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v1.19.2/3 Dejank Redux - Stablerer!


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Dear Extraordinary Survivalists
v1.19.2/3, a stable release, can now be downloaded through the account manager

This update contains a list of carefully selected fixes and tuning that should not create any new issues. The Cave-Ins system should also work notably better / more intuitively with this update. More to come!

[Edit:] The game will crash when you try to use a 1.19.0 or 1.19.1 game client to connect to 1.19.2 server, updating to 1.19.2 fixes that, sorry!
[Edit2:] Also released 1.19.3 to fix aforementioned issue and some more new minor issues

Greenhouse by Mercatto, shared in #screenshots

Game updates

  • In 1.19.3
    • Tweak: Water deer males can now have "fangs", these appear seasonally, but drop no item
    • Tweak: Disable chiseling of cluttered bookshelf (attempts to chisel them would result in ? blocks/texture)
    • Tweak: Add redwood trunk sections (quarter log) as an additional type of logs in all recipes requiring wood logs
    • Fixed: In Multiplayer, players with game version 1.19.2 could still connect to 1.19.0 or 1.19.1 servers, leading to errors: 1.19.3 will refuse that connection
    • Fixed: Game crash when you die with a drawn bow in hands
    • Fixed: Rare crash (introduced in 1.19.2) with opened gates with chiseled blocks directly above them
    • Fixed: Goat horns would grow in reverse, starting large but growing smaller each year as the goat aged
    • Fixed: Water deer antlers were missing, causing log spam if water deer males were nearby
    • Fixed: Crate inventory info would not update when placed
    • Fixed: Unable to place knapping surfaces on top of chiseled blocks
    • Fixed: Goat horns when mounted were wrongly described as "antlers" in the English version of the game
    • Fixed: Placement failure of a knapping surface showed an error code instead of translated text
    • Fixed: Linux install.sh not reading the answer for mesa_glthread
  • Tweak: Smaller deer species, and (for now) Bighorn sheep, should not be able to jump 3-block high walls
  • Tweak: Falx damage applies 2 animation frames later, so damage strike should look better synced with the animated motion
  • Tweak: Shift-click now tries to target the most recently opened inventory first, then if it has no space the next most recent etc. (detail: but if there is a partial stack of the same item in another open inventory, shift-click will still prioritise adding into that partial stack first)
  • Tweak: Drifters can now also spawn on top of loose stones
  • Tweak: Brown bears were being found a bit too far into the North
  • Tweak: Basket trap now shows trapped creature info on block HUD info
  • Tweak: Added basket traps "How to Use" info to the Handbook
  • Visual tweaks:
    • Pony tails and side buns/braids given more adaptability to various headwear
    • Updated clutter bucket to match new bucket model
    • Sapling grown from seed now shows a smaller selection box in the seed stage, no longer looks like an invisible sapling
    • Marketeer clothing set mask returned to undermask form, worn on neck
  • Tweak: Sapling localization in English, "will sprout in 1 day" instead of "1 days"
  • Tweak: Localization: Localize most remaining unlocalized texts on the Graphics Settings menu, e.g. Low quality shadows
  • Tweak: Block randomizer can now now place blocks with behaviour "HorizontalAttachable" correctly onto an adjacent wall (toolrack, moldrack, shelf, torchholder, painting,...)
  • Tweak: Any "leaking memory" warning messages now moved from client-main log to client-debug log, these warnings are info for modders and developers, not for regular players!
  • Tweak: Added more credits to the Credits screen and removed some repeating lines; the full game credits are now also listed online
  • Tweak: Linux installation: Clean up install.sh  [details: moved default install dir to $HOME/.local/share/vintagestory similar to other applications use for per user installed apps,  check for needed tools at the beggining of the script, added mod install and url connect .desktop entries (you can now also 1 click install from moddb), users now can change the default install dir on running install.shm  ask if you want to set vm.max_map_count if detected potentially too low (it seems since .NET7 it is not needed anymore but we will still keep it for now),  add prompt to remove old installation if there was one at the install location]
  • Tweak: Linux installation: Allow spaces in paths in the server start script (server.sh)
  • Fixed: Animals with the ability to jump quite high (for example Bighorn sheep) no longer able to climb out of fenced enclosures if lanterns are above fences
  • Fixed: Preview Blocks feature in WorldEdit now only visible to the player who is currently using WorldEdit
  • Fixed: Ghost / duplicate items when using shift+click to move items between inventories, in Multiplayer
  • Fixed: Bighorn lambs and Goat kids were not trappable in basket traps
  • Fixed: Dupe glitch when catching tamed animals
  • Fixed: Reverted shift+click on armor and other wearables to dress the character with them, as it interfered with shift+click moving wearables between inventories
  • Fixed: In 1.19, while sleeping in a bed, distorted rendering of Mechanical Power components and some shadows
  • Fixed: Speleothems (and other Underground blockpatches) could generate in unwanted places inside the Resonance Archives
  • Fixed: Occasionally incorrect world gen (resulting in chunk borders) near Resonance Archives
  • Fixed: Resonance Archives entrance was incomplete if local terrain height was close to world height
  • Fixed: WorldEdit "Override default values" checkbox did not work
  • Fixed: Various rare and not-so-rare crashes:
    • Rotted food-stuffs held in hand not showing rot texture, and causing crashes for some players (GH #3499)
    • Honeycomb squeezed into cooking pots or other ground stored clay utensils crashed (GH #3493)
    • Guides in handbook could crash if clicking on links, if links badly formatted in translated text (GH #3496)
    • EntityItem loading occasionally hard-crashed clients if the itemID no longer exists (e.g. in some cases when playing a map created in an earlier game version)
    • Fixed rare crash from RenderDecals if there was a prior exception
    • Fixed rare client crash in Character menu
    • Animals added by mods, missing Diet attribute, would cause crashes in 1.19.1, now just logs a warning
    • If initialising a modded worldgen structure throws an exception, instead of crashing, log it and identify the structure
  • Fixed: Chute would only push items into the first slot of a crate
  • Fixed: Cave-In system behavior very odd: free-floating rock will now always collapse.
  • Fixed: Falling block render jitter, falling blocks not doing damage while falling
  • Fixed: Quicklime item invisible in inventory because drawn in strange position
  • Fixed: Water blocks flowing into farmland (e.g. from water block placed above) were invisible
  • Fixed: Visual z-fighting on windmill sails; and the linen on sails now has some thickness
  • Fixed: Headless seraph shadows seen in Immersive First Person mode
  • Fixed: Animation twitching on right mouse down with firestarter on empty firepit
  • Fixed: Some first person animations never stopping when the current held item broke from 0 durability
  • Fixed: Jonas lamps would not illuminate the area when placed by worldgen
  • Fixed: When rotating a schematic with a chiseled block multiple times, it would cause an error
  • Fixed: Signs did not rotate with schematics
  • Fixed: Rifts not loaded from savegame
  • Fixed: Microblocks in ruins would be replaced by missing texture if attempt to chisel them some more; chiseling them is now fully disabled
  • Fixed: Microblocks in ruins were all named "Granite cobblestone" even if in fact a different rock
  • Fixed: Missing "killed by" localizations for moose, deer, goat, fox
  • Fixed: Minor typos in en.json English translation
  • Fixed: Linux: When running multiple servers with the server.sh and a similar SCREENNAME it would kill both servers on stop/restart
  • Fixed: macOS: Mac M1 and M2 issue, knapping and clayforming gridlines could cause the HUD to disappear
  • Fixed: macOS: Wrong default GUI size on new Mac installations, and other potential minor GUI scaling issues on Retina displays
  • API Fixed: DidPlaceBlock() not called on the last block in the stack

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To quote Greg the Garlic Farmer from Epic NPC Man... "My sheep have run amok!".  I just upgraded and am running 1.19.2 and my sheep were having a jolly time exploring outside their barn!  It's winter in my world so I thought maybe the snow was letting them get over the fence but then I saw them literally just walking up onto the walls, which are three blocks high!  I knew I should have finished that barn before winter and got the roof on it!  I saw it says above that sheep shouldn't be able to climb three block walls in 1.19.2 so just wanted to post that it looks like they still can.

Loving 1.19 though - great work team Vintage!

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5 hours ago, Thorfinn said:



6 hours ago, BavarianViking said:

Tweak: Drifters can now also spawn on top of loose stones



There are two types of Vintarians.

Also, wdym .NET7 isn't needed anymore?? When did this happen, and why did I have to suffer and end up making a tutorial to check your .net versions on linux??

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I'm still getting excapees on my SP world. lol piggies and goaties climbng 3 block fences or walls? It looks like they literally just fly up and over the fence. xD

21 hours ago, Tyron said:
  • Tweak: Drifters can now also spawn on top of loose stones




  • Haha 2
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1 hour ago, Dronzo said:

Not sure if I'm doing something wrong, my traps caught some hares but I can't pick them up. I shift-crouched to picked them up and they just turned into this but still shaking. I have open slots as well.


Try having an open backpack slot instead of a belt/inventory slot. It's like a populated skep in terms of carrying it.

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On 1/25/2024 at 10:24 AM, Tyron said:
  • Fixed: Reverted shift+click on armor and other wearables to dress the character with them, as it interfered with shift+click moving wearables between inventories

Having now played a few hours with this change, I have to say: please consider adding an option or a config setting or anything at all which would allow me to go back to being able to use this feature! I sorely miss the ability to quickly remove heavy armor and quickly put it back on, without having to have three slots on my belt taken up.

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On 1/25/2024 at 11:24 AM, Tyron said:
  • Tweak: Drifters can now also spawn on top of loose stones

Dang, drifter stone placing meta is finally a thing of the past. I'm torn on how to feel about this, on one hand it's always been an exploit, on the other hand I feel like drifters and temporal storms make early game brutal and having no defense against their spawns isn't great either.

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6 hours ago, BTubbs200 said:

Dang, drifter stone placing meta is finally a thing of the past. I'm torn on how to feel about this, on one hand it's always been an exploit, on the other hand I feel like drifters and temporal storms make early game brutal and having no defense against their spawns isn't great either.

Cowering in a 1x2 water hole blocked in by packed dirt with a pan and gravel still works, tested last night!

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I appreciate sheep not being able to climb over 3 block walls.  That was quite a surprise when they were suddenly running around outside their pen.  But now my sheep can't climb out of a half block deep hole.  It actually seems to be that they can't climb up onto a placed top half or full block.  I've attached a video and you'll see that they can climb up onto a 1 block high naturally placed stone and they can climb a slab I placed into the bottom half of a cube.  But they cannot climb from that bottom half slab onto another slab placed in the top half of a cube, nor onto a full cube I placed.  I also tried stairs.  I was trying a one way valve for animals to sort generations so wanted the two block drop to let sheep move into the pen from the sorter, but not go from the pen into the sorting area, but I need them to be able to climb out of the hole.  Would you like something opened in the issue tracker or is this just a side effect of a temporary fix while you resolve the 3 block climb permanently?

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On 1/30/2024 at 3:27 AM, BTubbs200 said:

Dang, drifter stone placing meta is finally a thing of the past. I'm torn on how to feel about this, on one hand it's always been an exploit, on the other hand I feel like drifters and temporal storms make early game brutal and having no defense against their spawns isn't great either.

Yeah, I hear you. I haven't bothered with using that even in mines for ages, but some of the players in our multi-player world spend hours and hours spawn-proofing, well, everything.

"Really, dude? You need me to give you food, linen, armor, tools, pretty much everything? You do realize if you didn't waste all your time placing rocks you could do some of this for yourself, right?"

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7 hours ago, Thorfinn said:

Yeah, I hear you. I haven't bothered with using that even in mines for ages, but some of the players in our multi-player world spend hours and hours spawn-proofing, well, everything.

"Really, dude? You need me to give you food, linen, armor, tools, pretty much everything? You do realize if you didn't waste all your time placing rocks you could do some of this for yourself, right?"

I don't bother much with spawn proofing, only for dealing with temporal storms.

I don't see how there's any getting around the fact that temporal storms are just a death sentence in their current form. Unless you have access to some of the best late game armor and weapons, there's simply no other option than to bury yourself and wait for it to blow over.

It seems as though drifters continue to get buffed while a major balancing blindspot continues to be ignored.

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I don't know that has ever worked with storms. Not in quite a while, anyway. I think all you do when you "bury yourself" is that you reduce the number of possible air tiles in which a spawn could happen to 2 or 3, out of the 1089 within a (hypothetical) 16 tile radius. Substitute whatever radius you think is the real one. 25 is commonly thought to be correct, which would be a 51x51 square, or 2601 tiles. Though spawns often happen in the block right next to you during storms, so it might skew closer. I think it's still a numbers game. Eventually, your number will come up.

It's certainly possible to battle drifters during storms, even the occasional double headed ones, with no armor and only flint spears. There's just not much of a point unless you want bragging rights of showing off a trunk full of temporal gears.

Edited by Thorfinn
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Definitely possible to battle 2 headed drifter naked and flint spears.  In my first temporal storm of my last world I was nearly successful, and did so within a confined space amidst a surface ruin (1.17).  If I hadn't have derped and darted to grab a spear that was too close to the drifter I'd have been successful.  I wasn't going for a story to flex on other, but really wanted that first shiny gear to reset my spawn so I didn't have to run a few hundred blocks from spawn.

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If your aim is less than stellar, a good way to deal with it is to yeet spears all over the place where your battle will be. Pretty much no matter where you run you can pick up a spear. At the end of the battle, just lean them against the pillars you put torches on to light the arena. That way they are handy for next time. 

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On 1/31/2024 at 1:27 AM, EricJ said:

I appreciate sheep not being able to climb over 3 block walls.  That was quite a surprise when they were suddenly running around outside their pen.  But now my sheep can't climb out of a half block deep hole.  It actually seems to be that they can't climb up onto a placed top half or full block.  I've attached a video and you'll see that they can climb up onto a 1 block high naturally placed stone and they can climb a slab I placed into the bottom half of a cube.  But they cannot climb from that bottom half slab onto another slab placed in the top half of a cube, nor onto a full cube I placed.  I also tried stairs.  I was trying a one way valve for animals to sort generations so wanted the two block drop to let sheep move into the pen from the sorter, but not go from the pen into the sorting area, but I need them to be able to climb out of the hole.  Would you like something opened in the issue tracker or is this just a side effect of a temporary fix while you resolve the 3 block climb permanently?

Dave revoked their climbng rights.

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