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Updating existing worlds to newer version + 1.20 question


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Hey there, its been a hot minute since i  played VS and had the drive to get  back into  it again.

However, i love playing modded, and there have been game updates since the last time i played, which leads me on to my question

Firstly, is there a recommended way to update a world to a newer version, with mods (and if some mods need to be removed, what do?). I'd even accept something that just transfers world data + my building, i just dont want to lose the stuff i've built but don't mind restarting  item gathering as difficult as that would be. Any advice is appreciated!

Secondly, while i understand this is an annoying question for any game dev, is there an estimated (even if super rough) date of release for 1.20? Main reason i ask is because if its within the next month or so, i may just hold off and start a new world then. If its longer, than i'll likely pick the game up again.

Thanks in advance to whoever sees this  and responds   :)

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Usually is most easy way to wait until it´s confirmed your mods ( depend of how much impacting world ) are up to date and working with the new version of VS. After that. Update mods and then VS. Also back up the world until run in new version ov VS and mods.

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Even if 1.20 gets released in the next few, it's likely to take quite a while longer to get the mods updated. I don't follow the news too closely, but it sure seemed to me there was a lot of big changes. If you use informational-only mods, probably no big deal. Worst case, some of the numbers are wrong. But with major content mods, there's likely to be a lot of hit and miss, missing textures or even blocks, etc.

If mods are essential to your experience, I'd suggest going with a 1.19.8 world (follow @DejFidOFF's suggestions) and wait to migrate to 1.20 once that has a fairly stable release and the modders have had time to fix whatever broke. There's not much that breaks "immersion" more than seeing white voxels with red question marks all over the place. ;) 

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Vintage Story releases are typically preceded by prereleases (like 1.20.0-pre.1, pre.2, pre.3 etc), and then release candidates (like 1.20.0-rc.1, rc.2, rc.3 etc). These are publicly announced and can be accessed by anyone, but tend to be very unstable.

A release candidate typically takes one or two weeks of additional polish before going stable, sometimes more. Prereleases typically take at least a month before being upgraded to a release candidate.

From this, and the fact that not even a pre.1 build has been announced yet, you can guesstimate that 1.20 won't be going stable for at least another two months from now. Ergo, just make a 1.19 world now.

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4 hours ago, DejFidOFF said:

Usually is most easy way to wait until it´s confirmed your mods ( depend of how much impacting world ) are up to date and working with the new version of VS. After that. Update mods and then VS. Also back up the world until run in new version ov VS and mods.

@DejFidOFF  Awesome, i'll give that a go thank you!  

1 hour ago, Thorfinn said:

Even if 1.20 gets released in the next few, it's likely to take quite a while longer to get the mods updated. I don't follow the news too closely, but it sure seemed to me there was a lot of big changes. If you use informational-only mods, probably no big deal. Worst case, some of the numbers are wrong. But with major content mods, there's likely to be a lot of hit and miss, missing textures or even blocks, etc.

If mods are essential to your experience, I'd suggest going with a 1.19.8 world (follow @DejFidOFF's suggestions) and wait to migrate to 1.20 once that has a fairly stable release and the modders have had time to fix whatever broke. There's not much that breaks "immersion" more than seeing white voxels with red question marks all over the place. ;) 

@Thorfinn Ahh yeah, didn't even consider that. Good point. Thank you for the advice!


33 minutes ago, Streetwind said:

Vintage Story releases are typically preceded by prereleases (like 1.20.0-pre.1, pre.2, pre.3 etc), and then release candidates (like 1.20.0-rc.1, rc.2, rc.3 etc). These are publicly announced and can be accessed by anyone, but tend to be very unstable.

A release candidate typically takes one or two weeks of additional polish before going stable, sometimes more. Prereleases typically take at least a month before being upgraded to a release candidate.

From this, and the fact that not even a pre.1 build has been announced yet, you can guesstimate that 1.20 won't be going stable for at least another two months from now. Ergo, just make a 1.19 world now.

@Streetwind Ahh gotcha, smart way to do it. Thank you so much! 

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I agree with the others. Absolutely just get started back to the game in 1.19.8, and worry about 1.20 when it's even first announced as a RC. Until then, you have time aplenty, and even when it does eventually release and move to stable, you don't have to update the game until you're ready to do so. 😁

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One last tidbit.  Tyron has tentatively announced the possible, potential (see how certain this is?) start of 1.20 versions in the fourth quarter (Oct-Dec).  This lines up with the general release runs of approximately, about 6 months in between releases.

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12 hours ago, Maelstrom said:

This lines up with the general release runs of approximately, about 6 months in between releases

...Does it? 1.19.0 went stable mid-January. If it was six months between releases, then 1.20 should be dropping in July/August, not fourth quarter.

And to be fair, it often did work out to two releases a year in the past. But 1.20 seems to be especially complex. We're apparently getting multiple new story locations, or so the plans go; and even if they aren't as big as the Resonance Archive, that still sounds like a ton of work. At the same time, the team has to magic the technical groundwork for mounts and vehicles into existence.

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This next interval is a bit longer than previous ones.  I go from the final release of a version to the initial release of the next one.  Even though the first stable release of 1.19 was mid Jan. there were quite a few releases through March.  I don't think Tyron said they were working on 1.20 until the three releases in March had dropped.  From March through October is "about" 6 months.

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