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Storm Hints

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It would be swell if more of the ruins were visible during a temporal storm, translucent extensions of the remaining structure giving some indication of the shape the structure once had, but, more importantly, providing clues as to where to dig for more ruins.

As well, there may be things that appear in the ruins during a storm, and are only available for interaction at that time - ancient, advanced workstations, for example.  Perhaps a container only appears during the storm, and if you load it up with the right item, you can get something nice out of it when it reappears in the next storm.  Perhaps this will be part of the process for fermenting potions :P

And, of course, there's the possibility of advanced workstations the player can make, place, and use only during temporal storms, because it's gone the rest of the time.

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this would definitely incentivize going out during temporal storms beyond jonas parts and rusty gears. maybe make it so during weak storms the structure is visible, (which can unveil hidden cellars and such), during medium storms maybe some more loot vessels are present, and during the strong storms the good loot and workstations are there.

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