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Mod Request: Immersive Maps

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Starting a new game being all about realism and survival but the mini map breaks the immersion for me. I mean it's like spawning with a photographic memory and mapping the world as we walk. It's not very realistic but I don't just wanna disable it. The mini map has its usefulness but it would be better if the minimap would start disabled until we hit a milestone that enables it, immersing us further in the game.


My proposal is to create a mod with these features:


OPTION A (More gameplay and survival oriented)

- Disable the mini-map and mapping of the terrain you explore.

- Disable the full-map when pressing "M".

Tier 1 Maps

- Can craft a map out of parchment + ink and quill. As long as you have the map on you then the mini-map & full-map "M"  are active and mapping the world.

- Mapping is unique to the map you are carrying. That means that you could have multiple maps each with different mappings of the world.

----Example: The map on yourself is mapping the East. The map you left home has mapped the West.

- Maps can be combined into 1 adding their cumulative knowledge of the world. Any overlap is ignored and mainly clears the black fog.

- Maps can be made into copies with another blank map + ink and quill.

- If you died with a map you are given a resurrection map with black fog that has a redX/skull on your last known location where you died to find your body. Not realistic I know but so is spawning after death. Picking up a map consumes the resurrection map.

Tier 2 Maps

- Can craft a Jonas compass with a map (mapped or unmapped), some Jonas parts, and a temporal gear. If the map contains data, it will be copied on to the compass.

- Can be equipped as an amulet on the neck slot.

- Provides full VS mini-map features as long as the Jonas compass is equipped. 

- Persists through death and can only be manually removed out of the neck slot.


OPTION B (Mostly aesthetic but will feel as if you are actually using the map you just built. This could also feel immersive)

- Disable the mini-map.

- Disable the full-map when pressing "M".

- Can craft a map out of parchment + ink and quill. As long as you have the map on you then the mini-map & full-map "M"  are active. Basically on/off dependent on you having the map on you. Mapping will happen regardless of your mini-map/full-map being on or off.


Anyone interested?

Edited by ZergMazter
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Posted (edited)

I updated my post. I'm actually leaning more towards option B for simplicity's sake. Though the game would be mapping wherever you go, it wont ruin your immersion by keeping the mini-map & full-map "M" OFF until you build the required item. As far as you know you aren't mapping, and the moment you create a map and keep it on you all is revealed. Lose the map and you are blind again. 

Good way to fake the map's usefulness while still feeling believable.

Edited by ZergMazter
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  • 1 month later...

I really like this idea. I think we can merge them though. Mini-map and world map hidden by default, when you craft a tier-1 map it enables the mini-map but isn't color accurate and would only show the map around the player so it isn't mapping everything, a tier-2 map would enable both the mini-map and world map but again neither are color accurate. Tier-3 could have 2 different crafting recipes, Option 1 would enable color accuracy for both (still leaving color accuracy completely optional as you don't need to craft a tier-3 map.), option 2 would enable mapping, kind of like your character is drawing a map as you move around the world. Tier-4? Could in theory be for cave mapping (but this would be useful later if we get a cave update, just thinking out loud here) Could we also add a slot to the character screen ("c") to place the map so we don't have to keep it in our inventory?

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