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Aquatic crops: Water chestnut and Lotus root

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I would like to propose the addition of two new aquatic crops to the game: water chestnut and lotus root. These crops would not only add variety to the game's agriculture but also enrich the gameplay experience with new crop mechanics and dishes. Below, I detail how these crops could be integrated:


Water Chestnut:

The water chestnut is a tuber that grows in shallow waters. It is known for its crunchy texture and mild flavor.

Cultivation: Water chestnuts are planted in swampy areas or shallow bodies of water. This crop has a moderate growth rate and thrives in temperate to warm climates. Once mature, water chestnuts are collected and can be eaten raw or cooked.

Culinary Uses:

Category: Fruit? Alternatively, vegetable

Cookable: Although considered a fruit, water chestnuts are cookable, and may be an ingredient for stews.


Lotus Root:

The lotus root is an aquatic plant that is not only beautiful but also edible.

Cultivation: Lotus root is planted in calm bodies of water. Its flowers emerge above the surface while the roots develop at the bottom.  It requires warm climates and a stable aquatic environment. The growth process is longer compared to other aquatic crops. Lotus root is extracted from the water and can be used in various culinary recipes. The lotus flower could have other uses.

Culinary Uses:

Category: Vegetable.

Versatility: Lotus root is considered a vegetable and can be used as a primary ingredient in vegetable stews or as an additional ingredient in meat stews.


Arguments against this:

Inappropriate historical context / Lore: Vintage Story is set in a post-medieval European post-apocalyptic era, so these crops would not fit the game's historical context. Water chestnut and lotus root are more typical of cultures and biomes of the Far East, and their inclusion could disrupt the historical and thematic coherence of the game.

Too Many Crops: There are already many crops implemented in the game. Adding more could overwhelm players and dilute the uniqueness of each existing crop.


Arguments in favor this:

Exploration and biome diversity: While they may not fit in a post-medieval European context, traveling far to the East could lead to changes in biomes, toward biomes typical of the Far East of Asia (China, Japan, etc.), with animals, plants, and crops typical of those areas. This would allow for geographical and cultural expansion within the game, offering players new areas to explore and discover, and new ma terials and techs from those ancient cultures of Asia.

Flexible historical coherence: The game's historical setting is not 100% faithful to medieval Europe, as there are already implemented plants like the sequoia, animals, and crops like rice and soy, which do not belong to medieval Europe. The inclusion of water chestnut and lotus root would follow this trend, adding diversity without compromising the essence of the game.

Improved gameplay: Adding these aquatic crops would lead to a greater variety of foods and new farming systems, which can be positive for gameplay. Players would have the opportunity to experiment with new agricultural and culinary mechanics, enriching the overall experience and offering more strategic options.

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I tend to think of water chestnuts as being a vegetable rather than a fruit, similar to how tomatoes are considered vegetables despite being fruits. I do like the idea though! Especially lotus, since it could double as decoration.

On 7/5/2024 at 4:49 AM, Doctor Antiquarium said:

Inappropriate historical context / Lore: Vintage Story is set in a post-medieval European post-apocalyptic era, so these crops would not fit the game's historical context. Water chestnut and lotus root are more typical of cultures and biomes of the Far East, and their inclusion could disrupt the historical and thematic coherence of the game.

I think it's mostly the major plot points of the story(that we have so far) that take place in late medieval Europe. I've also seen references to the cultures of the East Asian steppes a time or two in some of the clothing, and a couple of the stories reference individuals from the Middle East. So I wouldn't say it's out of place at all, especially given the consideration that the setting is post-apocalypse and the world's been turned inside-out, essentially.

We've also got things like pandas, bamboo, and hyenas that aren't endemic to Europe, but are easily found in-game, provided that you're in the right region.

On 7/5/2024 at 4:49 AM, Doctor Antiquarium said:

Too Many Crops: There are already many crops implemented in the game. Adding more could overwhelm players and dilute the uniqueness of each existing crop.

If I recall correctly, I think more crops is on the development roadmap. It's not a priority at the moment since there is already a solid variety and other gameplay systems that should be taken care of first.

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