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Chiseling could be a serious selling point for the game


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On the main page, the first thing it says is that VS is an uncompromising survival game.

This is fine, of course.  But, I was watching this amazing video, and it was making me realize, people -want- this.  There are so many people in the world who want to build, but what stops them is that they need to learn how to use professional tools to do it, like Blender. For example, The Sims, or Second Life. I think it's the same way with Skyrim.

Or, they don't have access to so much freedom for detail, in games like Minecraft and Valheim.

Vintage Story is special because of how much detail and beauty is allowed with simple tools and at a small scale.


I think that this should be taken seriously, I think that the creation aspect should be the first or second thing that comes to mind when people think about VS.

And in that spirit, to allow everyone to play with these tools early on, maybe we could have a stone chisel, for wood blocks, or freeform clay making.

And if that makes any sense, a built in system to browse a library of player-made objects to import into our world.

Edited by Mirveil
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I wholeheartedly agree.
People always say that Minecraft is more focused on building than Vintage, but I disagree.
Chiselling allows builders in Vintage to do things that Minecraft builders could only dream of.
I personally love chiselling, it's amazing. I can make custom banners for my town, I can make a rope bridge between two cliffs, I can make little decorations for my shop, the possibilities are endless.

I just saw a post on the Reddit where someone had chiselled these really ornate archways and bridges, and it really makes you wonder what pro Minecraft builders would think if they saw a game where you could do details like this!

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1 hour ago, ifoz said:

People always say that Minecraft is more focused on building than Vintage

I think it depends on what kind of building you're trying to do. Minecraft is better(currently) if you want to jump right in and start building while keeping some rudimentary survival elements. Minecraft is also more lenient with some of the decorating(you can put cakes in a windowsill and they won't rot), and has(in my opinion) more versatility regarding build styles. You can build realistic medieval, modern, steampunk, fantasy, etc. with relative ease.

Vintage Story's chisel system lends itself to much more detail than Minecraft, but I feel like the block options make it a little harder to build outside of medieval, steampunk, or low-fantasy themes. It can also be harder to decorate, depending on what you like decorating with, as you can't just leave food sitting out(it'll rot) or have giant fields of crops planted for show(depending on the climate, they might die to heat or cold).

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8 minutes ago, LadyWYT said:

Vintage Story's chisel system lends itself to much more detail than Minecraft, but I feel like the block options make it a little harder to build outside of medieval, steampunk, or low-fantasy themes.

While I agree and would like to see more block variety in the future (I'm sure there will be!) I also think that Minecraft's blocks as of late have gotten a little bloated. There are so many types and colours and styles that when choosing to build it can sometimes lead to choice paralysis. (Will I use this copper block, or that one? What specific hue goes with this floor? etc.) It leads to amateur builds looking disjointed from the rest of the game world since their colours, textures and styles do not mesh well together. I know this is a matter of personal preference, but that's just how I see it.


8 minutes ago, LadyWYT said:

or have giant fields of crops planted for show(depending on the climate, they might die to heat or cold).

I really wish I could make a garden with amaranth no matter the season...
Perhaps crops grown in planters could become an addition, amaranth is one of my favourite decorative plants in the game.

Edited by ifoz
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