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any way to make my mod use the server's commands?

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now i know i'm really bad at all of this and this is probably stupid, but i'm trying to make a sort of announcer thingy to keep the funky lil people on my server more well informed, i really don't like how, uh, discrete? the broadcast method thingy is but i do like how it looks when /announce is used so i was wondering if there would be a way to get my mod thingy to invoke server commands, i could use it now as is bc i've already gotten it working mostly how i want, but i'd really like to find a way to do it like how the /announce command does it, also not very important but i cannot for the life of me find a way to trigger a save, again i'm probably just dumb but if someone could point me in the right direction to do that it'd be huuuuugely appreciated

oh and btw the attached pics are how it looks now and how i want it to look(using the /announce command)



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it's so perfect i couldn't make it better if i tried i am so happy to finally have it done

oh btw the thing i found that i was looking for was ICoreServerAPI.InjectConsole(String Message) if anyone else is stumped about how to do that lmao

Edited by Murple
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