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Nickel Tree (Pycnandra acuminata)

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Pycnandra acuminata, known as "blue sap" or "nickel tree," is a tropical tree that grows on ultramafic soils and can accumulate extreme amounts of nickel. Nickel from this tree can be extracted from its latex (from bleeding trunks that renovates the latex) or from the ashes of its wood. It would be a very difficult but farmable source of nickel to find.

Pycnandra acuminata, known in French as "sève bleue" or "blue sap," is a remarkable tree endemic to the tropical rainforests of New Caledonia. This tree has the unique ability to absorb nickel from the soil and concentrate it in its turquoise green latex, being the only known plant with this distinctive coloration. Adapted to thrive in ultramafic soils rich in nickel, it is one of the most prolific trace metal hyperaccumulators known. Its latex has a 25% of nickel per weight, and its wood can contain until 8% of nickel per weight (which is not little considering that one tree can weigh several tons). A marvel of nature!

in-game Tree Characteristics:

  • Common Name: Blue Sap Tree, or Nickel Tree.
  • Height: Can reach up to 15 blocks tall.
  • Wood: Brown-grayish bark. Interior is rust-colored, reddish-orange.
  • Fruit: Similar to an olive; green when unripe and reddish-brown when ripe.
  • Ecosystem: Exclusive to warm and humid (tropical) climates.
  • Geology: Exclusive to ultramafic provinces. More frequent in sandy and gravelly soils of peridotite.
  • Generation: Unusual and limited to regions that meet the aforementioned characteristics.
  • Farming: Only grow in chunks with a Nickel proportion in soil of at least 30 ppm. See the "Nickel in Soil" paragraph for more info.

Harvesting and smelting "Blue Latex":

  • Some specimens will have "bleeding trunk" blocks that, when broken or interacted with using an empty hand, will release units of dried blue latex.
  • If not broken, the bleeding trunk will continue producing blue latex.
  • The blue latex appears as pastel turquoise fragments.
  • Each unit of blue latex can be smelted to obtain a nickel nugget.

Wood Uses:

  • The wood of Pycnandra acuminata can be used in construction and decoration.
  • Wood blocks also can be incinerated, producing a "nickel-rich ash" (or nickel enriched bio-ore) that can be melted on a low furnace to produce nickel ingots, producing one nugget of nickel per block of wood (which is not realistic, because in real life it contains much more nickel, but this is for balance reasons).

Nickel in Soil:

  • Nickel Dispersed in Soil (ppm): Nickel is not a renewable resource. Each chunk has a specific concentration of nickel dispersed in the soil (measured in ppm), which can be assessed using a prospecting pick.
  • Nickel in soil consumption from Nickel tree: When a Pycnandra acuminata tree is planted, it absorbs between 1 and 3 ppm from the chunk as it grows. This makes it not a renewable source of nickel, but potentially almost limitless depending on the chunk.
  • Amount of Nickel in soil per Chunk (ingots): The amount of nickel in a chunk can be calculated as: 16x16x3xPpm/1000 ingots. For example, a peridotite chunk with 3000 ppm in soil can yield up to 2400 nickel ingots before running out of Nickel in soil.
  • Minimal nickel concentration for farming Nickel tree: Pycnandra cannot grow in a chunk if it doesn't have sufficient nickel concentration (minimum 30 ppm); the sapling will display a message "this tree will not thrive in this location."


Nickel concentration in soil (ppm) per upper rock layer, table:

Granite 0-50
Diorite 10-100
Gabbro 30-300
Basalt 30-300
Andesite 10-100
Rhyolite 0-30
Peridotite 500-5000
Sandstone 0-70
Limestone 0-50
Conglomerate 0-70
Clay/Shale 10-100
Dolomite 0-50
Shale 20-300
Marble 0-50
Slate 10-120
Serpentine 500-5000
Quartzite 0-30


Impact in the Game:

  • Adds a new tree species that enriches the game's biodiversity.
  • Introduces new wood blocks for construction and decoration purposes.
  • Provides a new way to obtain nickel, encouraging the exploration of specific biomes.

The ingenuity of nature never ceases to amaze! Incorporating Pycnandra acuminata would not only enrich the game's biodiversity but also introduce a new nickel obtaining mechanic, making exploration and collection more exciting and strategic. 🌿🌱




Edited by Doctor Antiquarium
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On 7/11/2024 at 10:00 AM, Doctor Antiquarium said:

Provides a new renewable way to obtain nickel

Shouldn't be, though. The trees are extracting existing nickel from the soil, not transmuting it from other elements. Once the soil is depleted, it's gone for good.

It would be a convenient way to get nickel before iron, except... you need an oven door to produce the coke for smelting. That and nickel is only used in Jonas assemblies, which is late game anyway.

Edited by Bumber
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Posted (edited)

- Added Nickel Dispersed in Soil mechanics for do this non-renewable. Now Pycnandra acuminata reduces nickel concentration in soil when grows up.
- Added Nickel Dispersed in Soil concentrations for each rock in game (only counts the upper rock layer).

Edited by Doctor Antiquarium
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