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Tree growth depending on temperature


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If I understand correctly, only growth of fruits tree is affected by temperature, while normal trees, if seeds are acquired, can grow in any climate?

Currently it makes sense, because traveling far south for few stack of exotic wood is pointless, but with improved transportation means (beasts of burden, ships) situation would be quite different. Tropical trees should not grow in cold climate (or probability of growth should be very small), therefore struggle with building ship etc would be profitable, especially in multiplayer worlds with some kind of economy.

Of course there should be an option to switch off/on tree growth affected by temperature.

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Pretty sure that's not the case. I think the game lets you plant them, but there are lots of times I've never seen them progress, even the longer growing ones. Granted, I rarely play more than 100 days any more, as I prefer setting things up to running them, but even species that take 28 days (~ 3 game months)  should show some progress in that time.


Granted, I'm talking playing with the Primitive Survival mod, whose tree hollows can contain kapok, acacia and ebony, as I recall, and I don't recall any of them growing. It is plausible that Spang put in those restrictions, I guess.


Edited by Thorfinn
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Issue with trees not growing is maybe similar to minecraft ones, where, AFAIK, trees were not growing in presence of player, while immediately grows when player is traveling to another chunks and returning.

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I know that. I'm talking about planting the tree seeds a dozen tiles from my front door. And while I'm not there all that much, it is kept loaded the entire time I'm doing farming or beekeeping or cooking or metalworking.

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Saplings are affected by cold, similar to berry bushes. I think the growth timer just pauses instead of resetting, however. I don't remember if they can get too hot.

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Trees that don't grow is strictly RNG.  I've had saplings spring into full grown trees while away on an extended journey and I've had them spring into full growth, literally in front of me.  Cold does keep trees from progressing to the next stage (seed --> sapling and sapling --> mature tree)

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