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Special Attack Animations


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This is just a simple suggestion for immersion purposes, but why is it what if you were to attack something with, say, a shovel, that your animation looks like you are trying to dig up your foe?
I suggest that there be a few special animations for attacking things with tools. The shovel could be swung with intent to bash your foes with the blunt of the spade, the pickaxe could be swung side to side rather than up and down, etc. These animations would take priority over the normal ones if the player had their crosshair over something that they could attack.

Just a little thing for immersion. What does everyone think? :D

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I'm sure it's something on the to-do list. As I understand it now, many of the animations we have aren't really finished and are more just placeholders.

14 hours ago, ifoz said:

the pickaxe could be swung side to side rather than up and down

Actually, I would keep the up/down attack, or implement a mix of the side/side up/down. You don't really slash with a pick as much as you try to bury the point into something, and it's a bit easier to do that swinging from high to low. Side to side still works, but it just doesn't feel like it would be as effective.

14 hours ago, ifoz said:

What does everyone think?

I'm wondering too if it could be taken a bit further than just animation variety. If there's a combat rework, I could see some weapons(such as knives and swords) having two different attack modes and a hotkey for switching between them(similar to the scythe and propick, but perhaps a simpler toggle rather than full interface). Then you could switch between slashing or stabbing with the weapon, and do either slashing or piercing damage depending on how you're wielding it. Slashing could cover a broader area(hit another target or two), and stabbing could be single-target only. I'd also expect the attack values to vary depending on weapon type; a straight blade will probably have little difference in attack values between slashing and stabbing. A curved blade I would expect to have a higher value for slashing damage and a lower value for piercing.

The one exception to the rule I can think of is the Falx blade. It's a curved blade, which isn't as ideal for stabbing, but the point curves inward. So it's going to focus the momentum into the tip of the blade and pierce anyway, even if you're slashing with it(although it depends on which direction you're slashing). You could probably leave out the interface/toggle entirely and make the Falx blade a slashing weapon only, with some bonus piercing damage for the first target hit(the one in the crosshairs).

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