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NPC players

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OK, but those traders can't possibly all be out there for just you, can they? That strikes me as absurd. Even more absurd than some of the inaccessible places they managed to get their wagons stuck.

I've never really believed there are any humans. They all look like me, so far as I can tell. Same range of features, same range of colors and clothing styles, etc.

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5 hours ago, Thorfinn said:

I've never really believed there are any humans. They all look like me, so far as I can tell. Same range of features, same range of colors and clothing styles, etc.

The only differences between seraphs and humans that I'm aware of, other than the seraph's ability to respawn at a set location, is that seraphs are about a head taller than humans on average, and have oddly colored skin and eyes. The clothing styles remain the same, as fashion likely hasn't been a priority for humans, and seraphs are changed humans from a bygone era that have only now reappeared in the world. So the seraphs are arriving with the clothes they wore previously, and likely stick with the human styles both for convenience and familiarity.

It's also worth noting that depending on the dialogue options you pick with the traders, they remain polite but make a point of the fact that the player characters are "others"--not human. As I recall, when they mention the survivor villages, they don't explicitly state that the villages are populated by humans, but I believe it's implied given the traders' reaction to the player characters. If the villages were populated by seraphs, the player wouldn't at all be a strange entity to the traders, and the traders would probably make a point of directing the player to one of the villages(that haven't yet been implemented) for help, instead of giving a polite "Sorry, wish I could do more to help ya!"

@ifoz The more I think about it, the more sense it makes to add villages as specific story locations and not randomly generated points of interest like the trader wagons or ruins. While it does ultimately mean fewer things to find in the world, I highly doubt anyone is going to try to explore the entire world map on standard settings. Plus the advantage of having a few specific locations instead means that the buildings and NPCs can be fleshed out much more thoroughly, to the extent that they can have actual personalities and not be identified purely by their occupation.

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Depends really on how they are implemented.

Haven't played in a long time so if they are better now then I don't know but Minecraft Villagers are thicker than two short planks and basically exist to get turned into zombies slowly where as I once played with the Millinarie mod which added actually functional villages and that was great because they would be doing thing on their own that you could augment and work with and actually made it feel like the world was lived in.


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1 hour ago, ArgentLuna said:

Haven't played in a long time so if they are better now then I don't know but Minecraft Villagers are thicker than two short planks and basically exist to get turned into zombies

This is still how they are, except now there's even extra incentives for slavery in the form of biome-specific trades that encourage you to keep them locked up and to breed them. This is so that their children will become the biome type of whatever biome you have kidnapped and moved the parents to.
It's honestly not a great system at all.. 😅

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