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July 2024 Development Update


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Dear Extraordinary Survivalists

Summer development vibes here at the (virtual) Anego Studios HQ! We're full swing into developing the 1.20 update, with most features now fully planned out and in production.

VS Lore, Chapter 2
Most of the team works on the games Lore content, of which I can reveal the least of 😭
As mentioned in our previous blog post, the main goal of the update is to introduce the second chapter of our story arc. I believe we are about halfway done with the lore part itself and a preview release can come out before its full completion. The first of the 4 locations is nearly complete while the other 3 still requires more code and assets, as they will have some very purpose built mechanics around them.

In addition to that, there will be also 2 new super secret mobs that you'll have to encounter yourself in-game once we release the update. I asked the team if I could showcase it (because its terrifying!), but they prefer to keep it secret for now. Mob reveal waiting time intensifies 😱

Mount System
We've put a lot of effort into making the travel experience between the new lore locations as engaging as possible with the addition of a rideable mount and a sailing boat, both of which are now fully functioning. Here's a clip showcasing both.

The entirety of the mount system is implemented in a highly flexible manner, so we (and modders!) can easily add new attachable accessories, or implement other rideables and boats without the need to adjust the engine code. We'll be looking into adding a ownership system where players can claim a single rideable animal as "owned" which would enable a "call to owner" feature where elks can be called back to you in case you loose it or when it fell in a deep hole, as well as possibly add a marker on your map where your elk currently is. Any fatal injury to the elk will place it in a "mortally wounded" state for up to 24 hours to give you the chance to revive it using poultices. The Elk will come with two types of bridles which is how you select your preferred control scheme of the mount. The first bridle requires you to hold down the forward key to ride, whereas the other is toggle based - press forward once to start riding, press backwards once to stop again. The former allows for precise control, the latter allows you do perform other tasks as you ride. I also make use of the rope system to keep elk from wandering off. This does not mean ropes are fully functioning now as most players would hope, but it might be just about mature enough for the use cases as shown in the video. I do still consider the rope system to be in an experimental state.

As for acquiring these mounts, the ship itself can be built bit by bit by the player and will require a significant amount of resources.

Our trusty elk for now will be purchasable at a trader, and at a later update we plan to add a mount specific taming system. All in all, the new mounts will likely fundamentally change the mid- to endgame experience.

The eagle eyed amongst you might have also noticed I was carrying a new kind of backpack in the video - there will be a new, costlier to craft, leather tier and with it indeed a new tier of backpack, further expanding your carrying capacity.

On a technical level, the elk and sailboat is jam-packed with new engine tech to provide intuitive interactions and solid gameplay. I had to write a multi-selectionbox system for entities, rewrite how entity inventories are handled, rewrite large parts of the mounting system, fix a number of issues that surfaced in the process as well as implement a multiple hitbox system so that players cannot drive their boats into solid blocks. This means even traversing narrow water canals should be no problem for the new boat system.

Oceans received some TLC as well. Below screenshot showcases three significant upgrades: The previously announced new murky water shader, distant oceans are now made to look endless (before you'd see chunk borders) and new underwater flora.

Suffice to say, the Oceans are slooowly filling up with content!

Animations Rework
Long term, we will be looking at redoing most if not all animations of our current roster of creatures. Ambroise already got the Wolf redone, but then had to prioritize the upcoming creatures for 1.20
wolfchasefront.gif.f4b65b66989f11eb0386737d64133d37.gif wolfie-s.gif.ee21815a2119e847dcc3ac0088db22b0.gif

Bricks Overhaul
This is now in full swing as well. You'll be able to produce Arkaiks lovely new brick types through the addition of a beehive kiln that'll let you fire 20 to 30 block spaces worth of ceramics in one go, and not just bricks. Here's the first iteration of these bricks in the creative inventory.

Here's a piece of in-game concept art on how the beehive kiln will look like, roughly

Head and Wearables Uni-Sizing Project
Our Artists were also hard at work at getting the heads of the seraph and trader to the same size, so that wearables are easily interchangeable, allowing us to add greater variety to all current and future (hinthint) humanoids. All seraph clothing is now also full 3D Models instead of a textured overlay - which will make placement of clothing on armor stands much more straightforward to implement. For modders: We've resized the player head model to 5.5x 5y 5z voxels.

#devlog Recap
If you have been following us on Discord, you also might have seen several other small updates which I'll list here as well.

Insects will enrich the world of VS

At long last dejanked the holding of very hot items, they are now visually held by tongs

The Moon moving over the Sun will now produce actual Eclipses

Hot molds will shatter if exposed to water

The 100+ world settings are now much better organized through the use of Tabs

Quad particles will have smooth edges, creating less jarring visual artifacts

Beyond that, the list of smaller additions, tweaks, rebalances and fixes is ever growing as well. We're still hopeful to release the update this year. Stay tuned!

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I love it, especially the kiln and mount stuff. Thanks Tyron! 😁 Though seeing the ship pics, I'm wondering if I'm correct in this hunch--do I sense a woodworking system in the works?

15 minutes ago, Tyron said:

The Moon moving over the Sun will now produce actual Eclipses

I've noticed this a time or two when playing(although it looked like the sun moving over the moon instead) and wondered if we'd see eclipses factored into the game at some point. Though I also figured it wasn't likely as it's a small detail. Nice to see I was wrong though!

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3 minutes ago, LadyWYT said:

I love it, especially the kiln and mount stuff. Thanks Tyron! 😁 Though seeing the ship pics, I'm wondering if I'm correct in this hunch--do I sense a woodworking system in the works?

I'm afraid no, this building system is purpose built for the ship alone

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I'm excited to see the upcoming new modes of long-distance travel! That will add a lot of fun to the world, I believe.

About the shattering molds, is that a configurable setting? Actually that reminds me, is there any hope of a config setting for "mouse lag" while swimming?

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Oh Boy Oh Boy! I do Like myself some mounts. Also the boat could open up space for a "foreign merchant" type of trader as in a merchant that come from the other side of the sea and sells items that you cant find in a X block radius (meaning that if there is no lime for exemple for giant distances they would have a chance of selling those)


I am also excited for possible other animals to mount. I think it would be a funny/nice addition to have moose mounts in a reference to the moose cavalry attempted by sweden (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moose_cavalry) and other animals, maybe camels as a substitute to the elk in warmmer climates


It would also be interesting for in the future for you be able to build bigger ships with under deck for storage plus living space etc (that way an ocean world type of adventure where there are only a few small islands and you travel across the sea could be possible) and maybe allowing for sea drifters, something like a kraken or some other sea monster


I am sooooo Excited

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1 hour ago, Miguel Medeiros Perin said:

Is it possible to add a save feature for the world settings? I have a favorite set of settings and it would be awesome not to have to input them everytime a start a new game. 😄

This is something I've run into wishing for as well!

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23 hours ago, Miguel Medeiros Perin said:

Is it possible to add a save feature for the world settings? I have a favorite set of settings and it would be awesome not to have to input them everytime a start a new game. 😄


21 hours ago, StCatharines said:

This is something I've run into wishing for as well!

While adding presets would be nice in terms of quality of life, you already can copy and paste world settings (with the limitation of perma-death world deletion, I suppose). Go to the Singleplayer page, press the pencil button ("Modify world") and press the copy button in the "Playstyle" row. Then back out, hit "Create New World", press "Customise" and hit Ctrl+V. This pastes the copied world settings. From there you go on as usual.

You can also share your world settings with others this way, because they are stored in the clipboard. Simply paste them in a text file or online service such as pastebin.

Edited by Brady_The
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3 hours ago, Brady_The said:

While adding presets would be nice in terms of quality of life, you already can copy and paste world settings (with the limitation of perma-death world deletion, I suppose). Go to the Singleplayer page, press the pencil button ("Modify world") and press the copy button in the "Playstyle" row. Then back out, hit "Create New World", press "Customise" and hit Ctrl+V. This pastes the copied world settings. From there you go on as usual.

You can also share your world settings with others this way, because they are stored in the clipboard. Simply paste them in a text file or online service such as pastebin.

Thank you! Aside from repairing saves, I don't think I've ever looked in that menu. I appreciate it greatly!

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On 8/3/2024 at 7:54 PM, Miguel Medeiros Perin said:

Is it possible to add a save feature for the world settings? I have a favorite set of settings and it would be awesome not to have to input them everytime a start a new game. 😄

yessss this would be amazing!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

So if we go tar enough around the planet, we will find we are a double-star system? Cool! Or even if it's just an SO2 gas giant planet there may be places on the surface where it is too bright for drifters to spawn for more hours per day? Or maybe this is that Planet X thing that keeps popping up on YouTube now and again? It's supposed to do all kinds of weird things, though I've never heard any of them claim it will bring about temporal storms...


Y'know, it never occurred to me to check to see if the time displayed is some kind of UCT or if it's local time, based on maybe high noon. If you go 15 degrees east, does the sunrise happen an hour earlier? Damn, I'm going to have to turn on coordinates and see.


Edited by Thorfinn
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20 hours ago, ShnitzelKiller said:

Uhh, I can't help but notice that the moon during that eclipse is not a new moon. Which means it is being illuminated from the side, even though it is directly in front of the sun.

This might be fine-tuned later. Even if it remains as-is, I can ignore the oddity of it and appreciate the atmosphere.

17 hours ago, Thorfinn said:

Y'know, it never occurred to me to check to see if the time displayed is some kind of UCT or if it's local time, based on maybe high noon. If you go 15 degrees east, does the sunrise happen an hour earlier? Damn, I'm going to have to turn on coordinates and see.

I'm pretty sure that the time is standardized throughout the world and the only things that affect it are the time of year and your current latitude. Having time zones would be pretty cool, although I'm not sure it would have much impact in singleplayer. Multiplayer, on the other hand...

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