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Turning cloth back to linen?

Go to solution Solved by LadyWYT,

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As being a first time player I wanted to make tailored armor but did not noticed I need to have a specific skill for it. Only when I tried to make sweing kit I noticed it.

Now I am stuck with a lot of cloth and a lot of wasted flax. I really need it back, so can cloth be turned back in to just linen squares?


Thank you

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Welcome to the forums! Unfortunately, I don't believe there is a way to convert bolts of cloth back into plain linen. That may change sometime in the future. What you can do, however, is use this command to turn off class-exclusive recipes, so that you can craft sewing kits and other things that require class-specific traits without the need to be that specific class.

/worldConfig classExclusiveRecipes false

You will need to reload the world once you've run the command in order for it to take effect. The one exception to the class-exclusive rule is the tuning spear; if you set the rule to false you can craft tuning spears on any class, but the locust hacking function still requires you to be a clockmaker. Otherwise it's just a fancy spear.

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It shouldn't hurt anything. I've turned it on and off in my current world without suffering any ill effects. 😁 If you're still worried, you can always make a backup of the world before changing that setting, so you won't lose any progress should something go wrong(which, making a backup every once in a while is good idea anyway, as accidents can happen).

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Thank you so much!!! Would you mind answering another question if you know?

The only thing really bothering me is how fact I go crazy if standing in one place, not to mention in a cave, Clock at the bottom of the screen starts zooming like crazy and I get poisoned and am suffering damage. Is there a command to reduce this time? It would mean a lot.


Thank you!


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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, BiancaMoon said:

The only thing really bothering me is how fact I go crazy if standing in one place, not to mention in a cave, Clock at the bottom of the screen starts zooming like crazy and I get poisoned and am suffering damage. Is there a command to reduce this time? It would mean a lot.

The teal gear? That's your temporal stability. If it falls too low(I think around 25-30% remaining), nasty monsters will start to appear as you're essentially losing your grip on reality and crossing over to a different dimension. If the gear ever drains completely, you'll start losing health until you either recover some stability or die(which should recover a little stability, I think).

If you're in a stable area, the gear will spin clockwise and start regaining any stability that's been lost. If you're in an unstable area, the gear will spin counter-clockwise and begin to turn from teal to gray as you lose stability. If the gear isn't moving at all, then you're either in a neutral area, or at full stability already. These rules also only apply to the world's surface; underground is always unstable, and will become more unstable the deeper underground you go. The one exception to the underground rule, I'm pretty sure, is the Resonance Archive.

Aside from returning to a stable area to recover your temporal stability, there are a couple of other ways to restore it. If you have a temporal gear, you can hold it in your off-hand slot and activate it with a knife(or it could be the other way around, I don't recall) to sacrifice a bit of your health in return for some restored stability. Killing Nightmare Drifters will also restore some stability, although this is probably the option of last resort in most cases due to how tough they are(they also don't spawn except during temporal storms, the deepest parts of the world, or when you're at 0 stability).

Edit: As far as reducing the rate at which you lose stability, I'm not sure if there's an option for that in the world settings. If there isn't, you might take a look at the XSkills mod. It has some perks you can acquire for reducing the rate you lose stability and increasing your recovery rate.

Edited by LadyWYT
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  • 2 weeks later...



Sorry for not answering and thank you for the answers.

I actually finally noticed the gear thing my self and I have built my home on a very unstable area. But luckily there was a pocket of stability nearby so I reallocated my whole home there. Turns out the instability was so bad because I had one of those things that teleports you under my home, along with a huge pocket of hematite. So it all gave me much things to do :)

This game is just awesome and sucks me in for days. I don't mind the cloth any more either because I have built large farm and grew a ton of flax.

But thank you so much! I have now entered the iron age and am focusing on making iron armor and it is time to hit the caves.


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Glad I could help!

1 hour ago, BiancaMoon said:

I actually finally noticed the gear thing my self and I have built my home on a very unstable area. But luckily there was a pocket of stability nearby so I reallocated my whole home there. Turns out the instability was so bad because I had one of those things that teleports you under my home

Nice! And now I'm going to have to pay closer attention to what's going on in unstable chunks/chunks I've found translocators in. I always figured the unstable chunks were randomly generated and didn't have a direct cause, but if it's the translocators that causes it, that's one incredibly convenient way to make finding them a LOT easier!

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Yes! I have found 3 translocators so far and all 3 were in a very unstable areas. Like clock just zooms back. I suppose it is not a coincidence.

I know now large cave systems also give unstable patches, but I can't say 100% that iron ores also do it, or it is just a coincidence that it was exposed in these caves. I found both huge hematite and lignite accumulations and both were in a unstable patches. I also propicked a lot and I see high, and very high iron ores in places that are unstable. not for other things thou, like salt. I've spent so long looking for salt and finally find a dome that is is completely stable patch even thou it is underground.

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1 hour ago, BiancaMoon said:

but I can't say 100% that iron ores also do it, or it is just a coincidence that it was exposed in these caves. I found both huge hematite and lignite accumulations and both were in a unstable patches.

That's just a coincidence.

Very rarely, you can find completely stable underground areas, too. :)

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