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Expanded Foods 1.7.0


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@l33tmaan Have you set up curing time in relation to month length? Because after the latest update it says that it takes 27 days for curing to complete off the rack and 9 on it, when it goes bad in 5 days max in the cellar. The reason I am asking is because I play with 30 days month length and I suspect it may be the reason that makes it so. Unless it was due to overcorrecting. 😄

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3 hours ago, Hells Razer said:

@l33tmaan Have you set up curing time in relation to month length? Because after the latest update it says that it takes 27 days for curing to complete off the rack and 9 on it, when it goes bad in 5 days max in the cellar. The reason I am asking is because I play with 30 days month length and I suspect it may be the reason that makes it so. Unless it was due to overcorrecting. 😄

... can you do that? This is the code that controls how sausage cures:

	transitionablePropsByType: {
		"*-raw": [
        			type: "Cure",
        			freshHours: { avg: 700 },
        			transitionHours: { avg: 6 },
        			transitionedStack: { type: "item", code: "expandedfoods:sausage-{type}-dried" },
        			transitionRatio: 1
        			type: "Perish",
        			freshHours: { avg: 48 },
        			transitionHours: { avg: 24 },
        			transitionedStack: { type: "item", code: "game:rot" },
        			transitionRatio: 1

As you can see, I can only define it as an absolute number of hours. I don't think how many days are in a month affects these values whatsoever. I'll ask around, but I'm pretty sure that's how it works.

14 minutes ago, Travis Pluid said:

Oh, I thought it wouldn't go in the standard ingredient slot.

Nope, it does!

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3 minutes ago, Torchfire said:

Can confirm unable to dry meat before it rots.  Any mechanics for smoking meat planned?

Can you let me know more about the conditions you're trying to dry it in?
As for smoking meat: not really, unless someone else wants to work on it with me.

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My cellar is also having my meat rack store at 0.26x
When I test to put a rack outside (this is mid winter at -7 degrees) it sits at 0.62x

EDIT: The only way I've managed to get it to last even close to 0.13x was by piling cellar ice directly under the meat hooks

Edited by Jimmy, the One and Only
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