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Expanded Foods 1.7.0


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A thought occurs. @l33tmaan Is your test area at sea level (at 110 using default settings), higher or lower? Because being higher, for example on a mountain or something changes the ambient temperature. I am talking snowing when on sea level less than ten blocks horizontally there is nothing more than rain. (I have a tower that goes 60 blocks higher for more wind and during autumn and early spring have had snowfall up there while it was raining while on the ground.)

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4 hours ago, Hells Razer said:

A thought occurs. @l33tmaan Is your test area at sea level (at 110 using default settings), higher or lower? Because being higher, for example on a mountain or something changes the ambient temperature. I am talking snowing when on sea level less than ten blocks horizontally there is nothing more than rain. (I have a tower that goes 60 blocks higher for more wind and during autumn and early spring have had snowfall up there while it was raining while on the ground.)

It's a creative world, there are no mountains or seas. I'm kind of baffled, because this world seems kind of cold all the time and I'm rather sure I didn't set it that way when I made the world.

2 hours ago, SGTSylver said:

How do you cut slices of cheese? Also, how do you drink from a bottle?

Right-click cheese with a knife. As for bottles, it works like Carry Capacity - make sure you aren't targeting any blocks and hold right-click.

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Updated to 1.4.4! 10K DOWNLOADS! I am genuinely shocked! Thanks to everyone who's downloaded Expanded Foods before, it's been quite a journey!
This should address a minor issue I've been told about constantly. 😅

  • Meat curing time decreased
  • Ready for XSkills compatibility
  • Thanks 1
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  • l33tmaan changed the title to Expanded Foods 1.4.4

Found a dupe bug- if you use a stack of more than one bottle to pull a Liquid out of a firepit, you can fill more than one bottle- say, you pull some Juice out of a cauldron with a stack of two empty bottles. Each time you pull out one portion, you get one put into each bottle, which can then be split apart, into two bottles, each holding one portion. Thereby doubling your juice.

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Hey there buddy!
Just a quick question. Any idea for updating it to 1.15.7? And if yes, would I be able to add the mod to an already existing game? I started a new new save file once 1.15.7 came out and am currently going through the mods I used in my old saves to start fresh after having gotten a new hardware setup. I want to avoid as much game conflict as possible, so that's why i ask initially.
No rush though! Epic mod. Definitely deserves a spotlight.

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1 hour ago, Windego said:

Hey there buddy!
Just a quick question. Any idea for updating it to 1.15.7? And if yes, would I be able to add the mod to an already existing game? I started a new new save file once 1.15.7 came out and am currently going through the mods I used in my old saves to start fresh after having gotten a new hardware setup. I want to avoid as much game conflict as possible, so that's why i ask initially.
No rush though! Epic mod. Definitely deserves a spotlight.

Uhh... is it not working in 1.15.7?

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Truthfully I haven't tried it. I just boldly assume if it isn't in the mod description specifically that it's compatible with version x then it's not unless stated otherwise. If you or anyone else could confirm that it is working in in 1.15.7 I would really love to add it to my list as I'm positively itching to play with this mod + wild farming.
Out of past previous experiences, I tend to avoid using said mod if it's meant for an older version than the one I'm playing with.

Then again... I could probably make a backup of my current world, try this mod with this version of the game and then see if it all works. Though some times something breaks quite far into it already, and I don't think I'm the only one if I say I'm reluctant to roll back several hours game time. xD

I'm just the type that tends to play things safe, or so I at least try.

Edited by Windego
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On 9/19/2021 at 12:46 PM, james feazell said:

Ran into an odd bug not sure if anyone has mentioned this. When i make a pie and put it in the oven it acts like nothing was put in there at all. And when i pick up another one to put it in the oven the first one disappears. I got the dough back into my inventory some how but lost all the other filling items.

Been having this bug as well. Seems to only be an issue with soft dough, since regular dough seems to work fine for making pies.
Currently up to date w/ 1.4.4 and tested it, it's still a problem... not sure what else could be causing it

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Sorry to bother you.. But i think I.. Uh.. Messed up.
I've lost the ability to make spiles. In fact, I don't see any items of this mod in the smithing interface at the iron anvil.
I still get the option to make large hooks and sauce pan and the lot as molds from clay.. But not spiles for that delicious maple syrup..

A day ago something went wrong with my game and it somehow loaded up the game without your mod. I only noticed it after some things went missing because the game doesn't notify me if I'm booting up a save file with missing mods.
I re-enabled the mod again and reverted back the missing items I still could remember off the top of my head.. But now that I've made up my mind to get syrup... I can't see the spile.
So please, help me.
Am I doomed? Is the save done for now? What can i do to not be forced to start all over again?

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35 minutes ago, Windego said:

Sorry to bother you.. But i think I.. Uh.. Messed up.
I've lost the ability to make spiles. In fact, I don't see any items of this mod in the smithing interface at the iron anvil.
I still get the option to make large hooks and sauce pan and the lot as molds from clay.. But not spiles for that delicious maple syrup..

A day ago something went wrong with my game and it somehow loaded up the game without your mod. I only noticed it after some things went missing because the game doesn't notify me if I'm booting up a save file with missing mods.
I re-enabled the mod again and reverted back the missing items I still could remember off the top of my head.. But now that I've made up my mind to get syrup... I can't see the spile.
So please, help me.
Am I doomed? Is the save done for now? What can i do to not be forced to start all over again?

Please ignore this!
I just tried it with copper ingots and the recipe appeared.
I tried it with iron before. Seems iron spiles are not a thing, despite the handbook stating otherwise.

Everything works good!

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