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Posts posted by DArkHekRoMaNT

  1. 17 minutes ago, Aristine said:

    The Armor Stat Rebalance (No Durability) mod actually still contains the durability changes.
    Overall I'd like to just use the durability changes alongside the Armor Crafting Rebalance & Armor Stat Rebalance, but the updated durabilities tend to make Brigandine worthless given that it's worse than all others in every way possible. Comparing to chain example, Brigandine requires 50% more ingots, requires leather, has worse stats across the board, and has less durability.

    Maybe set up a formula like durability = (ingotDurability  * num of ingots) +  baseDurability
    Where, ingotDurability is Copper = 1, TinBronze = 2, BisBronze = 2.25, BlackBronze = 2.5, Iron = 3, MeteoricIron = 4, Steel = 5
    And baseDurability is the durability of any base items used in the recipe (gambeson or leather armor)

    Brigantine is easier to do, it can be poured out, not forged

  2. 7 hours ago, l33tmaan said:

    Yeah, I should have done that in the first place, but I will in the future. I'm honestly thinking about only releasing the vanilla and Acorns + PS versions, too - the forums doesn't like that I'm hosting so much junk! Would that be an issue for people?

    Don't want to use CompatibilityLib for this?  Initially, the library appeared precisely to deal with different versions for different mods 🙃

    UPD: Heh. I was already outstripped 😅

  3. 47 minutes ago, l33tmaan said:

    Also, how compatible is this with Teleportation Network?

    TpNet uses a vanilla worldgen system.  If there are traders or other surface structures, there will be teleporters. However, the vanilla system tries to generate structures correctly.  For example, you will not find a merchant on a mountainside. As a result, on rough terrain, teleports and other vanilla structures will not spawn.

  4. 1 hour ago, LOVE-INJECTION said:

    hello. i suggest animal fat for making candles, using the same recipe as beeswax. real life candles are made out of animal fats as well. thanks for reading.


    Imo, this recipe is too imbalanced. This generally makes bees meaningless and unnecessary.

    • Like 1
  5. 17 minutes ago, MiniKarma said:

    I heard somewhere that your mod allowed to harvest seaweed, but don't see it as a thing mentionned. So, I wanted to confirm, can we?

    The ExtendedFood version for PrimitiveSurvival (EF has different versions for compatibility) does this.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 49 minutes ago, Streetwind said:

    I support this suggestion, that would be fantastic.

    You prevent your loss of items to despawning... but you'll have to fight yourself to reclaim them! :D

    I have difficulties with models, especially living creatures and their animations. But I will try to implement something similar 🙃

  7. 3 hours ago, Rhonen said:

    limited by the MP-Network, it's rotating only in one direction... look at the windmillrotors ;) same thing

    The wheel itself is spinning as you like, sometimes in one direction or the other. Sometimes it even spins right, but in the opposite direction from the angular gear, to which it transfers rotation 🤯

  8. 58 minutes ago, l33tmaan said:

    Does one of these always generate close to spawn or have I just gotten really, really lucky with my last couple of worlds?

    The network uses a vanilla generating system like traders. They have a minimum distance between structures from a group of 600 blocks, but a teleports - 4000. At the same time, the chance of spawning is 100 times higher. If a teleport can spawn, it spawns as soon as you move 4000 blocks away from another. And since the first generated chunks are around the spawn, there will always be the first teleport and the first trader nearby.

    • Like 2
  9. Spoiler


    Your wheels are running... weird... They sometimes spin in the opposite direction or stop when connecting networks. I even had a crazy variant when 3 wheels in the same net stopped. 1 + 1 + 1 =  0  😥
    Also, the 85% wheel takes into account the source of water only from one side, if you pour from the other, there will be no effect.

  10. Running on 64 bit Windows with 16 GB RAM 
    Version: v1.14.7 (Stable)1/27/2021 12:23:30 PM: Critical error occurred
    System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
       at stoneworks.src.PlugnFeatherBlock.DoPlaceBlock(IWorldAccessor world, IPlayer byPlayer, BlockSelection blockSel, ItemStack byItemStack)
       at Vintagestory.API.Common.Block.TryPlaceBlock(IWorldAccessor world, IPlayer byPlayer, ItemStack itemstack, BlockSelection blockSel, String& failureCode)
       at VSHUD.NewPlacementPreview.Postfix(Block __instance, ItemSlot slot, EntityAgent byEntity)
       at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.SystemMouseInWorldInteractions.OnGameTick(Single dt)
       at Vintagestory.Common.EventManager.TriggerGameTick(Int64 ellapsedMilliseconds, IWorldAccessor world)
       at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientMain.MainRenderLoop(Single dt)
       at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientMain.MainGameLoop(Single deltaTime)
       at _XJ8aPSlEBe0PiHYbVJEdfXv1yjvA._Kgao3H1tkjUV97mMFigKazMDiUo(Single )
       at _QXfAdKxrJ1KaNtwiV64JU2IvnpC._cl7z8c5uEEaIF1fo0XdijiZbRYk(Single )
       at _QXfAdKxrJ1KaNtwiV64JU2IvnpC._peV5mb21IaSJTAYBddj4gA99BDo(Single )
       at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientPlatformWindows.window_RenderFrame(Object sender, FrameEventArgs e)
       at System.EventHandler`1.Invoke(Object sender, TEventArgs e)
       at OpenTK.GameWindow.RaiseRenderFrame(Double elapsed, Double& timestamp)
       at OpenTK.GameWindow.DispatchRenderFrame()
       at OpenTK.GameWindow.Run(Double updates_per_second, Double frames_per_second)
       at _03wQBzfCnykaMLiRGgbQzrKOcn3._QN2fpVgRVBDOLs27GIkkdMlxeKf(_a9AJZVMB0wcgfRPD19VvLtZCbaX , String[] )
       at _NdjU5BXvKkfOW2d88pNMbEAjE1q._QN2fpVgRVBDOLs27GIkkdMlxeKf(ThreadStart )

    When I aim at a block of grass with a plug in my hand

  11. 10 hours ago, Kai Effelsberg said:

    These bugs do only happen with any version higher than 3.3.3. You must have changed something afterwards that may interfere with another mod, maybe Primitive Survival.

    It looks like a vanilla mapping table bug. I doubt that the mod could somehow break it on purpose, especially considering that Rhonen does not modify it in any way. Most likely, if you create a new world, everything will be fine.

  12. 14 hours ago, l33tmaan said:

    I don't know what to tell you. You should be able to punch the seaweed into your inventory? I can.
    Am I missing something here?

    Are you accidentally using your mod with MoreRecipes?  It also adds the drops for seaweed, glowworm and saguaro cactus.

    • Haha 1
  13. On 1/22/2021 at 9:51 PM, Monahven said:

    Yeah I found those but I don't have a feeling for what the values mean, if that makes sense. Like, I don't know which values would be good or what kind of rarity they'd correspond to. Otherwise I would've changed them already. But thanks for that! 

    This is the number of attempts to spawn per chunk

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