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Posts posted by DArkHekRoMaNT

  1. On 10/30/2020 at 2:10 PM, Sniper Ely said:

    I want to make clothes have a purpose besides looking nice.

    I am looking at giving slight buffs from clothes because well.. you are warmer, and protected from weather so maybe health recovery is higher, food intake is lower because you don't use as much energy to warm yourself up. Boots could give a speed buff. All minor but a nice incentive. Because i added recipes for clothes ( i'll add more but i got enough for now) in another mod i feel like it makes sense.

    As much as i know.. only armor can have these buff/debuffs? My questions are: can i put them on clothes directly, do they trigger even if the clothes are not in an armor slot or do i have to make clothes armor pieces( how hard will it be then... ? change a .json value or a more complex process?)


    Thanks beforehand!

    I think you just need to look at the json of the armor.  Most likely it is set through attributes, and if you add the same attributes for clothes, it might work

  2. Adds more commands for chat. Currently available commands:

    • /me <message> - send message as player action
    • /tell <player> <message> - send private message to other player (alias: /t)
    • /reply <message> - reply to last private message (alias: /r)

    Download: ModDB or GitHub (works on 1.13.4 and above, not needed on client)

    If you are missing any commands, write, I will try to add.


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  3. Work in progress version of my new mod. At the moment, the mod adds ... a snowball. And that's it 😅 Snowball can be obtained by holding an empty hand on the snow in the world. You can throw it. Deals Frost damage. Also, the behavior of entities when receiving Frost damage has been changed, they turn blue and slow down for 3-5 sec (it will also work for the player if he is overcooled, I accidentally 🤣).



    It is planned:

    • Add snowball picking animation 😫
    • Improve the visual part of the Frost effect
    • Improve/change the wild crutch that the slowing mechanic works on (removed)
    • Reduce effect greatly if damage is caused by weatherv (fixed)
    • Maybe add more items/blocks for winter. For example Christmas trees, presents, decorations, lamps.

    Download: ModDB or GitHub

    • Like 1
    • Amazing! 1
  4. Some people think the sleep time in the game is unreasonably low, so I made a mod that doubles sleep time. So far, this is the only mod here, but if there is a request for other small simplifications of the game, I will add here. If you have any suggestions, write.

    Extended Sleep Time (doubles sleep time):

    Drop Armor (on player death)



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  5. 2 hours ago, Spear and Fang said:

    I'll have to give it some thought.  It might be something for the next release if I can come up with a strategy for implementing it.  I might have to dust off my copy of minecraft.

    Maybe add craft like horizontal/vertical slabs?

  6. 6 hours ago, Minnigin said:

    I'm no modder but I can edit stuff and I've edited my pine tree files to produce resin 15% of the time instead of 1-2% to compensate for this mods changes.

    The files for the trees are in Vintagestory\assets\survival\worldgen\treegen and the lines are         

    otherLogBlockCode: "log-resin-pine-ud",
    otherLogChance: 0.01,

    like I stated though I only know how to make these changes for myself and can't produce a mod, perhaps I'll learn to make a more resin producing mod

    I think we need to change the mechanics of the grown pine trees so that they can spawn rubber blocks.

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