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Posts posted by Yozo

  1. For context, I used to game on a AOC C24G1 but then I got a new couch and moved the pc to a shitty cheap 7 year old 4K 55inch Medion TV from Aldi.

    Ever since I could "feel" input delay when walking around and I thought it must be the 60Hz of the TV. But then I grabbed an item and swirled it around and saw that the item follows my mouse instead of staying on it. Basically like this (also see attached). I then replugged my PC into the AOC monitor and also noticed the effect but to a way lesser degree and none at all when walking around and looking around with my mouse. With the 4K TV it feels like that new underwwater effect - not as a strong but I can still feel the effect. This makes me misclick and mis-look (running into walls, misclicking items ike crucibles and pots and bowls, axes etc.

    Anyway. In the attached it doesn't lok like much but that's because of the shitty recording software, it's actually two items blocks behind my mouse when I move the cursor.

    Is this the TVs problem or coudl it be my hardware? I never noticed these things with my Xbox on the TV...

  2. I'm getting short lag spikes when people communicate in chat on TOPTS ever since this update. 8-9 out of 10 messages causes me to lag for 0.5 seconds. I;ve had the same stuff happen ro me when people joined and left the server before this update but now I have both the chat lag plus joining/leaving lag.

    No idea why or what.

    • Like 1
  3. On 3/23/2024 at 10:47 PM, Morfs said:

    I really feel your sentiment about death and spawning, I really do.
    My personal opinion is when you're starting out, accentuate your gameplay with a few mods to make it easier on yourself. No need to torture yourself like I did on my first run.
    I grabbed a "server utilities" mod which gives me popular Minecraft server commands like /sethome and /warp so that I can get a better grasp on the game's mechanics before I do a more pure and unforgiving run myself. If you hate having to spawn hundreds of blocks away repeatedly, I would recommend either using a mod like this, OR changing the default settings to reduce the spawn range so you have a set default area you can make a starter base from for expeditions back to your true base.

    But comparing 2B2T to VS is like bananas and walnuts. The survival strategies you employ dealing with the advent of an overrun uncontrolled anarchistic society aren't anything like the struggle against an everlooming threat that can appear right in front of you at the drop of a pin. Both of them have their unique challenges and the knowledge doesn't really overlap or bleed over well. All I can say is that you learn and adapt over time. Apologies if that's a tired expression and it's just upsetting to hear, I just want to offer a different perspective.

    I do hope you take my suggestions to heart Yozo. My RNG isn't the most pleasant either but I'm swimming in gears at this point now that I've upgraded my weapons. I don't even have armor yet, takes too much material IMO, but I'm a wizard and I played a TON of Vermintide, so I know how to dodge and weave in melee.

    In singleplayer I just /gm 2 myself a gear and that's that. Plenty enough challenge losing all your stuff 200 blocks underground 2500 blocks from home. I'm ok with that. That's fair - it's a controllable risk. Sadly one can't do that online. So I end up getting frustrated and burned out. It's just no fun to circle into flint -> spear -> mobs -> 100 kills on still no Temp Gear. I don't feel like doing that at all. I already got burned out a few months ago with collecting cattail root only to come online the next day and find the stack rotten because it's online so time keeps going... Collecting more cattail just ends in needing to eat the collected cattail root to keep on looking for more cattail roots. The whole area is picked is also picked clean by other players two years ago. Walking on you get chased by wolves so you get hungrier etc etc. There's no getting anywhere like this. Pure waste of time.

    Spawn is also cleared of flint and useful things so you have to walk 2k+ blocks each time you die and do boring stuff for hours on end with the grim hope of getting a gear so you can maybe finally start playing the game if now you don't run into a bear by pure RNG lottery.

    Way to get burned out in record time.

    I like the other resistances but NOT this one (altho they could perhaps tweak the underground drifter and wolf spawn rate. Wolf packs don't even live this closeby to eachother as they are very territorial). IMO doing re-spawning like this is nonsensical - and to add insult to injury, NO server except two have the bedspawn mod, and one of those is littered with heaps of countless trash mods. So one remains only to turn into a crashing mess three days later because 'I just NEED moar mods' plus it was Polish.

    So, none really exist lmao and I got angry and came here. When I have the weekend to myself and just want to play a game and relax I don't like having to waste my time to try and get 'the holy game play enabling gear'.

    Just thinking about it I get bored out of my mind already. Christ. I have barely touched the game since making this thread - which is a damn shame.

    I grinded more than enough of Silkroad Online and Fly For Fun 17 years ago to never bother with grinding ever again. Trust me.


  4. 16 hours ago, Thorfinn said:

    Wow. That's really bad luck. 0.9734^80=0.11. That is, there's only an 11% chance of failing 80 times in a row. On the upside, that should be almost one linen sack just from drifter loot. Lots of people don't manage to get even one sack in their first in 3-4 days.


    Now that is extraordinarily bad luck. It's what, 8.4 hours per game month, so you are into winter, at least 8 storms? I thought a double-headed was guaranteed in each storm, and each was a guaranteed 1-2 TGs. Pretty sure I'm getting at least two double headed per storm. But maybe it's not guaranteed at all. Dunno.

    It also seems to me that one of the traders has one quite often, but in a multiplayer world, it would not surprise me if someone else snagged it.

    Hunger can indeed a problem in a multiplayer world. But on the other hand, in a multiplayer world, people tend to cooperate, so while maybe no one will part with a temporal gear, (though why they wouldn't I can't fathom -- I've generally got a trunk full of them by spring of year 2, collecting only from storms and caving and the occasional surface drifter who won't leave me alone) finding people willing to give you a handout of food that's just going to spoil anyway should be easy. Heck, they almost can't have enough livestock to get rid of all the flax grain alone.

    This will probably not be taken in the spirit intended, but setting a respawn should probably not be your focus in a survival game, but, rather, y'know, surviving. 

    Tbh, I don't really bother with the storms lol because I don't have armor yet. I just sand myself in and t+Win button out of it and wait until the sound stop then go back into the game and carry on. But yes, 2 temp gears from drifters. RNG is never on my side. Hasn't ever been throughout my entire life. It's really weird. Even when playing things like Monopoly as a kid. My younger brother has always had good RNG - even in games. He'd gamble in games and get rich quick and then I'd try and lose a heap of money lol

    Like I said, for some reason RNG is never on my side. Which is why I absolutely hate RNG.

    14 hours ago, Maelstrom said:

    So let's stop talking about respawning and start talking about this circle of death.  Since you survived escaping spawn on 2b2t you should be good at avoiding every single thing that causes death in VS.  If you don't die then you don't respawn and temporal gears aren't as a big a problem.

    Minecraft is different, if you don't move, your hunger doesn't deplete. So by wonder after barely surving somwhere at the 15k block mark I found a little hut that gave food to surviving players but of course it was all empty, but what it did give was WOOD in the structure, so I used that to make hoe and then got some grass and voila, now I was set. So then I planted the grain, hid into a mountian shut in the 1x1 opening wth some dirt, toggle crouched so to hide my name ESC + Win and just did something else while I waited for the crops to grow.

    Once they grew I made bread, ate them all and moved on. Did the same a while later, then found some web, made a bed, set spawn found a nether highway and just walked for 8k block into the nether, got out and set up a base.

    That's how you do it.

  5. Also, btw. Either servers are modded to a laggy mess and STILL don't have the bed spawn mod and if they do have the bed spawn mod (a server that respects your time) they are in an obscure language like Polish or Finnish or whatever.

    So, no. That is not an option, the only option is they should change the way spawning works.

    Singleplayer is boring now and I can't play multiplayer because of this as I'm not wasting one month of my life to finally have a temp gear with this shitty RNG to start playing normally.

    I'm also not paying for my own sever to then not have anyone join and thus it's really just singleplayer while paying 410 a month.

    Fix your fucking spawning system. This really ruins it.

    • Like 1
  6. 12 hours ago, Thorfinn said:

    I went through that phase, too, @Yozo.

    Easiest way to get past it is to learn how not to get hit by playing single player for as long as it takes. Double headed are not that hard to deal with, 6, maybe 8  flint spears or so. Somewhere around there, anyway. I never paid enough attention; I just chuck spears until he drops, and I rarely have better than Improvised armor (firewood and grass) for at least the first storm or two.

    @DejFidOFF is right -- you have about even odds of getting a TG at just 25 surface drifters, which can happen on the first night if you are lucky enough to get Apocalyptic activity. I'm never that lucky. Usually I don't get Apoc except during the daytime, for at least the first month.

    There are first night drifter traps you can build that allow you to harvest with impunity, but do that sparingly. You need to get good enough to live through a storm.

    I don't like playing against RNG. I killed 50-80 drifters in my single player world and still not a single Temp Gear so I said fuck it and /gm 2 gave me one. Then it still took another 30 or so drifter kills before I finally got one 'the way it was meant to be'. After 80 hours on that world I still only gotten two Temp Gears. So that means I have to keep dying over and over trying to kill dangerous drifters in multiplayer for 3-4 days of play time before I can finally start playing and enjoying myself? While also fighting against hunger? Is that a joke?

    I used to play on 2b2t and other anarchy servers on Minecraft. I never even bothered with normal 'safe' servers. 2b2t especially is very hard - 15-20k blocks of wasteland from spawn in every direction. Most just die. Also the first 3000 block from spawn is pure chaos from bed rock to world height. It's near impossible to traverse the terrain there. And all that while you can see people in chat actively trying to hunt you with elytras and the likes. I got away on my first try. Not RNG based thus doable.

    I always lose against RNG. I never win. Ever. I'm serious.

    They ought to make spawn crystals or whatever and have the drop chance be 10%.


    BTW, I'm not shitting on the game, I like the game but please fix tyhe fucking spawn. It's endlessly frustyrating tyo fight RNG basded shithrhdehehehedthdhdh

    I probably won't even touch it anymore because this really ruins it for me. Jesus fucking christ. I just want to play survival online without wasting hours of my time in a cirtcle of endless death. This is very boring. This shitty system is pure cock blocking/filtering. I hate it.

    • Wolf Bait 1
  7. Setting your spawn with a temporal gear is pretty stupid. First of, they are very rare unless you go for the strongest drifters which just kill you until you have armor.

    And secondly, they make playing online pretty much impossible. You can't set your spawn, so you're stuck in an infnite death loop and oh boy is that what fun is all about! Just doing the same shit over and over and getting nowhere!

    Just please fix your fucking spawn set mechanic so that I can fucking play online godamnit!

    And of coutse nobody is ever willing to help because 'my precious rare temporal gear'

    Just fucking copy Minecraft and make bed spawns. Fuck. I just want to have fun online but I can't and singleplayer is just boring me after 200 hours.

    • Like 2
    • Wolf Bait 5
  8. Hello. I want to play this game in multiplayer but found that it's a bit hard to do so because you just get stuck in a starving cycle and ever get anywhere. There's no food anywhere and you just end up starving for eternity and if you leave the server to go on tomorrow, your cattail roots are now ROTTEN etc. It just really puts me off from playing online. Like, you just can't.


    So I'm asking to see if there are any servers that either have bed spawn (like Minecraft) or gives free temporal gears used to set spawn and with the spawn set to infinite. This way I can move away from spawn much easier and evntually set up base somewhere there is food o r whatever.


    I really want to play this game online but can't because the starve thing just completely ruins it. It's just frustration and no fun.

  9. This update took away a lot of the lag I had. Especially lessened the freezes and mini stutters to a significant degree. Phew. That was annoying. Well done.

    So it wasn't the BIOS update after all. Good to know because I don't want to fuck with the BIOS.

  10. Hmmm, a blueprint kind of system? Minecraft used to have mods for that. This is a good idea. I hope they add it officially someday. It's quite the pain to build from scratch purely in survival... So you have to do it in a CREATIVE FLAT and then take 20 pictures and go back into survival to rebuild it there...

    Btw, I don't speak German, I just used my Dutch to kind of figure out what you're saying before you start throwing complicated words/sentences at me lol

  11. On 2/18/2024 at 8:45 PM, TeaJay said:

    Tried without the HUD clock but it was the same, still kept freezing. I've also tried a lot of things like lowering FPS limit, raising it, putting Vsync on and off, trying various things. So far haven't found that magic setting that works 100%. 

    Yeah, mine is pretty bad too. I put my view distance to 32 blocks just to check and while the lag/stutter is gone completely, what does happen is chunks won't load until I am very close and try to step 'into them'. Which is weird. So not quite sure what the problem is exactly. I have my 5950X in a kind of eco mode because otherwise it will boost to 120W every five fucking minutes like electricity bills aren't a thing (not to mention the annoying fan noise going up and down) but I was playing like this on 1.18 as well - and all I had was the odd short stutter when exploring.

    Maybe it's the BIOS update but to test for that I will have to install 1.18 again and see if it will still lags, stutters and freezes.

  12. On 2/16/2024 at 8:59 AM, TeaJay said:

    I'm also having a similar issue, but I was having it even before 1.19. Every now and then the game just freezes for a few seconds. I thought it was related to blocks loading and it certainly happens more when I travel, but it sometimes just happens when I'm at my base. It's not a micro stutter but a full stop for a few moments. Been trying to fiddle with all kinds of settings but nothing has helped so far. 

    Do you use the HUD Clock mod? I heard somewhere some time that it may cause such freezes. You can try to disable or even remove it to see if it does anything. I also have those complete freezes but they are very rare for me. Like once or twice in 10 hours.

  13. I have more stutters as well. I am thinking it may be due to a BIOS update but perhaps it is not. There was the occasional stutter in 1.18 when exploring and generating new chunks which is perfectly fine to me but with 1.19 these are stutters are present even at my home base. To be expected of a game still in BETA tho. I hope the devs can figure it out.


    Anyone any idea what may have changed?

  14. Hell no. Procedural anything is always bad. In a game like this procedural landscape is one thing but from thereon out everything needs to be handcrafted with love and care to keep this game feeling wonderful.

    I really hate procedural things. No Man's Sky is a very good example of the 'procedural void'. Trillion billion quintilion systems, yet everything feels the same after you explored three systems. The procedural void. Blergh.

    • Like 1
  15. On 1/31/2024 at 1:27 AM, EricJ said:

    I appreciate sheep not being able to climb over 3 block walls.  That was quite a surprise when they were suddenly running around outside their pen.  But now my sheep can't climb out of a half block deep hole.  It actually seems to be that they can't climb up onto a placed top half or full block.  I've attached a video and you'll see that they can climb up onto a 1 block high naturally placed stone and they can climb a slab I placed into the bottom half of a cube.  But they cannot climb from that bottom half slab onto another slab placed in the top half of a cube, nor onto a full cube I placed.  I also tried stairs.  I was trying a one way valve for animals to sort generations so wanted the two block drop to let sheep move into the pen from the sorter, but not go from the pen into the sorting area, but I need them to be able to climb out of the hole.  Would you like something opened in the issue tracker or is this just a side effect of a temporary fix while you resolve the 3 block climb permanently?

    Dave revoked their climbng rights.

  16. I started a new game but pit the month cycle to 30, thinking I'd have more than enough time to gther lots f grain to prepare for winter. But grain ALSO  grows slower. Ok.

    New game. 12 days cycle. /gm 2 and fly around to find a ,ice spot and build the mud hut I had earlier to continue where I left off. It's all extremely mountanous or just hilly/hole-y, or watery. I just need a square thing of 1000 blocks to build comfortably...

    I can't find it lol. I'm 20k blocks away from spawn now. Well, I did find it and I started building and then I saw the area is UNSTABLE! God...

    /end rant

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