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Posts posted by CynicalCat

  1. 4 hours ago, DejFidOFF said:

    Usually is most easy way to wait until it´s confirmed your mods ( depend of how much impacting world ) are up to date and working with the new version of VS. After that. Update mods and then VS. Also back up the world until run in new version ov VS and mods.

    @DejFidOFF  Awesome, i'll give that a go thank you!  

    1 hour ago, Thorfinn said:

    Even if 1.20 gets released in the next few, it's likely to take quite a while longer to get the mods updated. I don't follow the news too closely, but it sure seemed to me there was a lot of big changes. If you use informational-only mods, probably no big deal. Worst case, some of the numbers are wrong. But with major content mods, there's likely to be a lot of hit and miss, missing textures or even blocks, etc.

    If mods are essential to your experience, I'd suggest going with a 1.19.8 world (follow @DejFidOFF's suggestions) and wait to migrate to 1.20 once that has a fairly stable release and the modders have had time to fix whatever broke. There's not much that breaks "immersion" more than seeing white voxels with red question marks all over the place. ;) 

    @Thorfinn Ahh yeah, didn't even consider that. Good point. Thank you for the advice!


    33 minutes ago, Streetwind said:

    Vintage Story releases are typically preceded by prereleases (like 1.20.0-pre.1, pre.2, pre.3 etc), and then release candidates (like 1.20.0-rc.1, rc.2, rc.3 etc). These are publicly announced and can be accessed by anyone, but tend to be very unstable.

    A release candidate typically takes one or two weeks of additional polish before going stable, sometimes more. Prereleases typically take at least a month before being upgraded to a release candidate.

    From this, and the fact that not even a pre.1 build has been announced yet, you can guesstimate that 1.20 won't be going stable for at least another two months from now. Ergo, just make a 1.19 world now.

    @Streetwind Ahh gotcha, smart way to do it. Thank you so much! 

  2. Hey there, its been a hot minute since i  played VS and had the drive to get  back into  it again.

    However, i love playing modded, and there have been game updates since the last time i played, which leads me on to my question

    Firstly, is there a recommended way to update a world to a newer version, with mods (and if some mods need to be removed, what do?). I'd even accept something that just transfers world data + my building, i just dont want to lose the stuff i've built but don't mind restarting  item gathering as difficult as that would be. Any advice is appreciated!

    Secondly, while i understand this is an annoying question for any game dev, is there an estimated (even if super rough) date of release for 1.20? Main reason i ask is because if its within the next month or so, i may just hold off and start a new world then. If its longer, than i'll likely pick the game up again.

    Thanks in advance to whoever sees this  and responds   :)

  3. Hey Streetwind, thanks for the response. That was my assumption too.

    After you asked this, i went back in game to repeat what I had done to get the error message which was occuring. And it didn't. It worked. I don't know if maybe me closing+reopening the software in this time did something to help it work, or if it was completely a PICNIC error (aka, myself) but i had just been copy and pasting the command and value in so that shouldn't have been the case. Maybe I had a sneaky extra space somewhere which was causing the issue, either way. It turns out there wasn't an issue? 

    So thanks for taking the time to respond, but yeah, seems it sorted itself out! 

  4. Heya!

    Bought the game yesterday and enjoying it so far. Had to install some mods to assist me along the way, but some of the mechanics were ruining my wrists and causing repetative strain injuries (i work on my PC all really need to not have that happen) so downloaded the mod "Knapster" .

    Pretty much I'm 3 hours in to a save, and with Knapster i would like to access the admin settings to speed up some processes and further reduce my wrist strain. However, i can not do this as i need admin privledges to do so.  Is there any way to change a save file to give myself admin privledges?

    Extra notes:
    - Game version 1.19.3
    - I have other mods installed

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