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PickleinThahouse last won the day on June 30

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  1. i agree mostly because of bone broth. making soups and stocks out of bone sounds pretty sweet. although might want to tweak bony soil in that case. that sounds kinda nasty lol
  2. yeah, then they try stealing all of my gears from my wagon right in front of me like i wasn't even there. luckily i superglued everything to the floor so there's no way they're getting that off. rude....
  3. whichever one i find first. in my current world i went the bismuth route because i found bismuth and zinc wayyyy before i found tin. best read i could get for tin was decent and the place i was digging had high sphalerite and bismuth so that's how that went down. if i could, i would go tin though. it's just less of a pain to smelt and it's less expensive if you find a decent vein of tin. but it's interesting to note that while bismuth bronze tools are less effective, they're more durable. if anyone even cares about that lol
  4. yeah that would definitely make it to where you don't have to make so much. thanks for the input and the welcome . EDIT: you aren't vintarian, we're all called that apparently lol, woops
  5. Okay so first, this is my first post, been playing for a month and loving it. so, Hello! second, this is a bit of a minor idea that can probably be made into a mod easily enough, but i'm not sure if it exists yet and if it does feel free to tell me. So recently IRL i've been trying to get into making bread, and one thing i've been hyperfixating on is sourdough bread. And anyone that knows anything about this knows that this is how leavened bread was made thousands of years ago, effectively the first use of a leavening agent to make bread. I was playing and was making a stack of bread for a journey to a trader and as i was mixing the flour and water to make dough and then pop it in the oven to watch it rise i was thinking...."wow, this is kind of silly actually. this wouldn't happen in real life". So here's my suggestion. Rename the current bread we have as unleavened bread, and to make leavened bread we need to make a leavening agent. and to do that IRL it's pretty simple. mix equal parts flour and water, let it sit in a container and repeat daily for about two weeks and voila (it's more complicated than this actually but it would be really dumb to add these complications to the game), mix that with your dough and boom your bread is airy and light now. We already have a perfect system in game right now for this: Barrels. Of course, there needs to be a reason to make unleavened bread over leavened bread in the first place and vice versa. so maybe unleavened bread can perish slower and leavened bread although perishing faster has more satiation per loaf. and maybe it could be that i don't know, 1L of starter per dough makes leavened dough, and it can be transferred with a bucket or a bowl or whatever we already use for liquids. (this is WAY too much in real life but for gameplays sake it would make it easier). Obviously, this is a small thing that wouldn't add a whole lot to the base game and i'd prefer other things get added/overhauled before these types of small details are implemented. but i'm just throwing it out there
  6. this would definitely incentivize going out during temporal storms beyond jonas parts and rusty gears. maybe make it so during weak storms the structure is visible, (which can unveil hidden cellars and such), during medium storms maybe some more loot vessels are present, and during the strong storms the good loot and workstations are there.
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