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  1. well you're certainly not wrong. But does it not feel dissatisfying to you that that is the only thing going on? Personally I find it a cop-out's way to try introducing difficulty/danger when it's the done as the only source. I only know what is going on in game at the moment and have no clue where they may be planning on taking this section of the gaeme if anywhere, I can only see, think, and offer suggestions for what I feel would be improvements. As it is now it's just one or nothing. You either get mobbed incessantly until you get chipped away, or you dig a 3 deep hole the width of the cave and never have to deal with it. For me it feels unfinished and the solution cheap. not counting for the torches that others find work and I don't. Like the drifters in the caves were implemented as a place holder and forgotten.
  2. well, that's certainly not what I experience. Dozens and dozens of them spawning endlessly until I get near the surface again, whether it's calm or not. This particular cave and time I entered it (just before posting initially) I ran from my hut about 1000 blocks away while it was calm, delved down while it was calm, and fought the hoards, all while rift activity was calm. And that is the norm during my own play time. Which was why I wanted to post to express the frustration and give alternative ideas. Because I just don't experience anything BUT drifter rain in the mines. I think I might take advantage of whatever the entity spawn limit is and trap as many as I can before delving to any real depth. Just make a nice Moss-baby crypt.
  3. That's the only time I did for a while. Rift activity doesn't seem to affect cave rates, only rift rates on the surface. coincidentally also the current activity level.
  4. I've seen this topic done a number of times over the last couple years as I have searched to find out options and alternatives, but I need to throw another one in here. Drifter spawn rates in the caves... Why? There is absolutely no need to have them spawning faster than you can even dispatch them. It's literally raining the buggers in the cave right now as they spawn and fall to land in front of me 2 to 4 at a time. Yes, you can use fences and such when mining, no problem. But when you are going through ruins that happen to be in the open down there, fences and doors don't cut it. for one they can still throw their homing rocks over the fence and two i would need to lug around enough material to build a moderate sized hut with me at all times. And then of course if you DO have a hut or whatever else with a door, there is always at least 3 of them shoving their faces through it just waiting, so the moment you open it you get blasted with stones. This is nothing more than frustrating and serves seemingly no other purpose than to simply be so. A better way to make caves dangerous would be to have stronger entities the further down you go, no just more rock throwing ticklers. As well as additional enemy types. the mechanical spider things pop into mind; why not have more variety like that? Instead of just mob spamming? And I have read that spamming torches through the cave helps. It really doesn't... For the reasons of A:needing hundreds of them even if it DID work, and B:the little moss-babies spawn directly next to them anyway. I've seen it happen a few times already as they pop into existence underneath one 3 or 4 blocks ahead of me. Armor, even leather, makes surviving the spam easier and makes having armor feel necessary (as it should, I'm not arguing for "easier " here; quite the opposite actually). But my god, I hope the creators have plans to change the "danger" mechanic of the caves to something actually dangerous or threatening instead of just pointlessly annoying. Just thought of another alternative to move away from the spam as I type. Perhaps a mob that is slow but hits hard, and can break non-metal fences and doors? It would have a low spawn chance but would slowly stalk you until you either left the cave or killed it. Or to retain an aspect of the current issue if there is an actual reason for it, have a destroyable spawning "nexus" of some sort? And of course the simplest way to improve this without introducing anything new would be to make the spawn rate tie into your stability. It already lowers the deeper you go, tie drifter spawn rates to that. I also believe with my current limited knowledge that everything I have suggested here would improve immersion and be lore friendly. This was all over the place so apologies for the brutal read. I wanted to give suggestions instead of saying "stuff bad, me annoy >8(".
  5. Never would have thought of the ladder being being deadly, considering you can get buried alive and never suffocate, but it does make sense with how the consistency was behaving.
  6. Is anyone else experiencing obtaining gravity damage (according to damage logs) from just mining on a ladder underground as a bug? Or is the game actually acute enough to consider the items dropped from mining rock to be missiles? I would assume the latter but I ask because it is very inconsistent. In terms of both if damage occurs on the ladder but also because it doesn't occur ever when not on a ladder.
  7. Well thanks for telling me that. Now I don't need to dick around to find that out on my own. Seriously you probably saved me hours.
  8. for what i was specifically trying to do. I was trying to put a top slab on the bottom and a bottom slab on top to make a full block in a "half and half" block location. But in general, the game won't allow my to place a slab on top of another without the top on floating a slab's width above the bottom one. I have towed with chiseling a little so far, but nothing like you have showed with different materials being in the same block.
  9. yes, but that is both time and material intensive for what could be accomplished by just slapping two slabs together, isn't it?. I'm talking just basic slabs, no fancy designs. I only just started experimenting with the chisel.
  10. If you're using slabs to have a material on the bottom, and a different material on top (making a full block sized half and half), you currently cannot. This is restricting for building structures.
  11. Reinstallation fixed the issue. I still don't have a clue what could have caused it, but now i can get rid of that mod i installed to try to deal with it.
  12. I said I installed the mod to try to offset the problem. As for info on the installation there isn't anything else to give you. If i was on creative I wouldn't have an inventory nor would i get anything breaking any block, not just farmland; and the game was created as survival. And I never said I could exit without saving. Since it is single player there are no admins to have faffing about. Everything was normal with farmland up until it wasn't. It harvested fine and then all of a sudden it just won't, BUT wild crops harvest fine. Quit the game and the problem persists, break crops and then quit the game then reload and the crops are there as if never broken. Unless I break the farmland itself it is like the game refuses to update any changes to the crops that the player initiates. It still grows seemingly fine. I think reinstalling the game itself might be my next course of action.
  13. Farmland stopped dropping ANYTHING when I harvest fully grown crops (or any other stage as I tested) and simply just replaces what I tried to harvest when I quit and reload back in. In order to harvest anything I MUST break the farmland. I have no mods that do anything to crops or farms in any way other than the one i just installed to have a chance of getting the soil back to offset this. Edit: this is single player and never been online.
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