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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Wish I had a parachute last night. Jumped into a hole I didn't see, which happened to be the deepest one in this world yet! Fell for 2 or 3 seconds (felt like 20), must have been a good 40 blocks.
  2. Watched a streamer journey to world border, took him something like 50 IRL hours to make the journey. The polar regions are.... interesting.
  3. Ugh. Laying down a few hundred (or couple thousand) block distance is laborious enough as it is. I can't imagine taking time to make a pit kiln equivalent every block of the way! There are points of realism that MUST be discarded to make the game FUN! I think VS is doing a fantastic job of balancing realistic requirements with avoiding others. Your idea is great, but should best be handled by a mod for those that would enjoy such labors of love.
  4. We need a VS version of Herobrine.
  5. I believe greenhouses need to enclose a 7x7 field (9x9 if walls are included in dimensions). Looks like you have a 9x9 field and 11x11 after walls are included in the dimensions.
  6. I suppose new things are dependent upon how the developers implement the change. I could see how sandwiches would be essentially similar to the current meals that can be cooked.
  7. I think I had a similar bug. Put about 6 stacks of quartz in a chest to be pulverized, went on a mining mission less than 200 blocks away, came back to only 1 stack of pulverized quartz and no quartz in left to be pulverized. I have the proper guards so that pulverized items are collected and do not despawn. Glad I didn't have the olivine yet.
  8. Those items will now be unique items like alpha leaves in Minecraft.
  9. AWESOME! Does it work on non-ore bearing rock as well? Sometimes that surface copper is a few blocks below the soil.
  10. @Lumber Jacksongold and silver spawn in quartz.
  11. I was born in Ecuador, so South America has a special place in my heart (specifically Ecuador), thus my love for alpacas as an in game animal. I believe that chickens, pigs and goats are the globally most used farm animals. Cows are a distant 4th (iirc). Glad to see the VS team has some understanding of global farming
  12. Thank you for the pic. For a minute I thought you were farming friends.
  13. Roadmap shows villagers are planned for base game. Stay tuned for when they are added.
  14. Bighorn sheet don't have wool as they are more goat than sheep. I think a better option would be llamas or alpacas which could be sheared but also be pack animals to increase capacity to lug stuff between places in the overworld.
  15. I like the idea of a sephia tint when entering unstable areas. Fits in with the game nicely.
  16. I think there should be a tutorial world that teaches the basic survival skills - gather essential materials, clay crafting, cooking, quarrying, etc. and ends at smelting copper. Make a small world (maybe a couple thousand block radius) that has everything needed to get to copper. Make the game a bit easier, buff player a bit (higher HP, lower hunger) lower wolf aggression some. Provide pop up bubbles that give direction about what to do, i.e. when player comes near clay bubble informs player that they will need clay to form items, like storage vessels. Overall it would be the exact same world to help people conquer the huge learning curve.
  17. I hope they have a larger temperature range than currently listed in game. If not, for me it doesn't matter if I can plant them or not. Don't want to use precious farmland on a crop that is likely to either have frost bite or heat stroke reducing it's yield.
  18. Temporal stability is random, but tends to increase as you descend in caves. Sometimes that gear spins wildly counter-clockwise (CCW) just below the surface, sometimes it's barely creeping CCW as you approach the deepest depths of a cave. Apart from that there's no indicator whether an area will be stable or not.
  19. I like the layout. In my next world I'll probably adopt it for my farm.
  20. @Jane DeeI would expect that you can still opt for passive drifters that won't attack unless you attack them.
  21. I expect that copper is too soft of a material to use as an anvil.
  22. If there's deer, there MUST be alpacas! Tamable and used as pack animals for expanded freight capacity for long journeys.
  23. Yep. Let's have burnt offering as the final stage. This food has been given to the gods.
  24. I suspect your mod has roasted veggie recipes, particularly of the onion variety?
  25. Tell me about it! I have to de-hair the vacuum every time someone vacuums the main living areas! The bedrooms are even worse!! Glad my wife broke down and bought a new vacuum. She got one that is designed to prevent hair wrapping around the roller. AND IT WORKS! I picked up the vacuum and took a few seconds to pick off some tangles of hair.
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