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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Although they could utilize their space more efficiently to produce even more linen. Just have farmland surround a single water source and cut out the rows of watery irrigation.
  2. I'm just confused how good nutrition in and of itself will increase someone's speed in real life? Increased speed due to nutrition in game would make suspension of disbelief more difficult, whereas increased health is definitely related to real life. Better nutrition leads to stronger immune system which could be argued as a component to HP.
  3. You can always break it and replace the oven facing the right direction.
  4. So VS is pretty realistic in only providing 2 crops that take P nutrients out of the soil. Makes sense and I will throw that soap box away.
  5. Funny that. I managed to collect 2 redwood seeds from the wild. Planted said seeds separately and chopped down 1x1 redwood trees. Didn't get a single stinkin' seed after harvesting every single leaf block of both trees.
  6. 2x2 trees can be grown but it takes four seeds. Not the best way to go when farming wood for the trees that have a very low seed drop rate.
  7. One thing that's a little frustrating is the prolific crops for N and K resources but P has just 2 crops. Are there other crops that could be added that use P nutrients?
  8. Perhaps wool could be sheared from a pack animal, such as an alpaca or llama and kill 2 birds with one stone. Introduce an animal that provides a different benefit than food, in this case increasing capacity of long journeys for rare material, while creating a source of wool as well.
  9. Combat in VS actually needs to be improved by a LOT! Drifters are little more than a nuisance as you can practically walk away from them without sprinting. Your wolf problem was the unlucky event of homesteading near a wolf spawn point. There's no shame in aborting a world and restarting.
  10. In the end it's a question of how much realism is desired in a game. Too much realism and why call it a game? I think tier three bricks for a bloomery is getting to that level.
  11. @Saricane That's a great idea. I had stored up nearly obscene amounts of grains that I'll never use. @Builder Bob Fruit spoils quickly but doesn't produce much rot when it does. If you gather all the fruit bushes you come across, you'll come up with a huge fruit harvest; overcoming the low yield by huge volume.
  12. @RobinHoodYou do realize the dumb villagers in your clip were essentially cattle?
  13. I think a binding agent is implied with the destruction of the bloomery. Otherwise heat would escape through the bloom rather than the chimney of the bloom.
  14. I think this one comes down to roleplaying on the server. There's enough nutritional stats to track that this one would become onerous.
  15. Consider that you can currently stack multiple layers of bricks and shingles without constructing a scaffolding in the kiln. I would argue some aspects of realism need to be left out. It's already tedious enough firing enough refractory bricks to build a cementation furnace without have to build scaffolding in the numerous pits.
  16. Maelstrom


    I don't have any screenshots, but I basically dig to rock layer whenever I see a depression that seems out of place. It's not guaranteed, but I've found good number this way. I'd say I'm about 50% success rate.
  17. There's bandage options that do not involve horsetail already in game.
  18. I'm ok with coal coke as is. I'm thinking of a regular ol' charcoal pit. It would be nice to open and close a charcoal pit with a door instead of digging up dirt all the time.
  19. Sounds good but balloons are subject to being carried where the wind blows. Winds blow in different directions at different altitudes but it wasn't until fairly recently that balloons had the ability to control ascent and descent. Given the technology of VS, hot air balloon rides would likely carry you east and you'd have to walk back. But you'd travel east faster than walking/running.
  20. Does it make sense that iron doors can be used to convert coal into coke and iron into steel, but NOT sufficient in converting firewood into charcoal? I don't think it does either. @Tyron & @redram is there anyway to work this into an upcoming update? Pretty please, with cherries on top??
  21. I would suggest removing the depth and only displaying the rock types in the order they were found.
  22. Mushroom spawning change definitely happened sometime in 1.15. I was playing 1.14.10 and saw forest mushrooms spawning ready to harvest.
  23. Maelstrom

    Class survey

    Like... perhaps... Say the metal parts needed to fix translocators? maybe?
  24. That sucks. On respawn, did you try to flee the rabid wolf pack?
  25. Bowls and crocks of rot can be emptied by throwing them in a water source block. Might work for unspoiled food as well (although I doubt it nor have I tested this method).
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