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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. How about using the visual effects from temporal storms in increasing amounts as time is spent building/riding/maintaining centipedes? Additionally, maybe only temporal gears can be used to remove the temporal imbalance caused by same activities and further exacerbated by temporally instable areas. I imagine one could start with 100% temporal stability, ride a centipede into a deep cave with quickly declining temporal stability and have to abandon the trip within a 60 seconds due to low temporal stability level.
  2. I want stone wall/fence options. Vertical slabs just don't do it for me.
  3. Too much variety can induce analysis paralysis, unfortunately.
  4. It wouldn't be hard to balance iron/steel spears. Higher damage than arrows is balanced by limited inventory space for ranged combat. Lower melee damage is balanced by longer reach than long blades. Do we even need to mention attack speed as another pathway to balancing the meta? Spears could be a niche for players that want a ranged weapon but don't want to bother breeding/hunting chickens. If there's a protein option for vegans then why not a ranged weapon option for vegans as well? I wouldn't look forward to tackling locusts or drifters without a ranged weapon. Historically spears were used until the musket, thousands of years after bows were developed.
  5. The devs have a roadmap that indicates there's a lot left to be added. A poll for the 1.15 update indicated more specifics (like the first major story event) that will be added as the devs can implement them. I understand the dev team is just 2 people, so patience will help.
  6. The beehive has to swarm before the skep can begin to be populated. I believe the tool tips will show how long until the hive swarms.
  7. Querns have inventory slots so it should be possible... Right?
  8. What do you mean I can't use my quern to empty my press of its liquid!? =D
  9. Already knew about that one. Have a nugget on the ground <25 blocks from my homestead taunting me while I search for material to make bronze. Gonna be some time before I can dig out that beautiful silvery metal.
  10. Assuming you have a pick and are mining for ore, rock blocks you mine drop loose stones and should provide all the loose stone you need. The only problem is if you want to craft a specific type of cobble.
  11. Is ore randomly generated regardless of the rock type, or does the type of rock (igneous, sedimentary, etc.) have an impact on the type of ore that generates within it?
  12. To my knowledge loose stones do not respawn. Sounds like they are a desired resource. What do you use loose stones for?
  13. Almost everything about the world settings can be modified when you first create a world. Look for the customize world button.
  14. I see this as an optional impact to the game. If you don't enhance your living space, nothing changes and no sweat off of anyone's back. If you want the benefits, then you can build to activate them. It wouldn't be a forced mechanic, like spending untold "hours" crafting pottery for your early needs (food, tool crafting, storage, etc.)
  15. Is it 3 months or does it use a set number of in-game days that adds to three months given default settings?
  16. Lesson learned - store milk in buckets until ready to craft or consume. Got it!
  17. Not sure. To be honest I don't have direct experience with milk yet, and commenting only from watching youtubers/streamers show that there isn't spoilage of milk in their game play. [edit] - Is curdled milk the precursor for "converting" it to cheese?
  18. In related bizarre animal behavior, I watched a ram climb a ladder that was two blocks tall to escape it's pen.
  19. Or possibly add the ability for milk to spoil and subsequently sealed in a barrel to extend it's shelf life?
  20. I understand the developers need to protect their income, but there should be a way to provide offline play capability as well. Minecraft does, so it shouldn't be that hard.
  21. If you have grass on your island Little Bunny Foo Foo might have spawned, raided and retreated overseas.
  22. Something I failed to mention. Batteries have limited life and new ones need to be crafted, including using more temporal gears (giving farming drifters a purpose). Perhaps used temporal gears turn into one or two rusty gears.
  23. I think this is a fantastic idea! I imagine each segment has a specialized function and maybe a limit of 10 sections to any centipede. The head would be for steering controls, first segment for the pilot and then additional sections for either storage, battery or passengers. Add in a requirement that longer centipedes need multiple batteries to sufficiently power the mechanism. Perhaps batteries are crafted from a temporal gear, quartz and iron plate casing. Hopefully someone in the modding community might be inspired.
  24. I like the idea of added unrotten food to a composter. I think adding the additional mechanic of rotting food causing other food to rot quicker would be an "unfun" element for a large number of players (myself included). While it adds realism, sometimes adding realism detracts from the fun of a game.
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