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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. So I accidently destroyed the wild bee hive near my living quarters and I'm out and about looking for another and having a hard time. I've found them easily in previous playthroughs but not in this one. The wiki gives rainfall range of .35 to .85 condusive to bees. How does that equate to the in-game description for rainfall. I assume almost all the time is above that .85.
  2. I think Chrysander discussed that...
  3. Surveyed the log really quickly yesterday. Looks like I need to remove the previous copy of Carry Capacity I had installed for 1.14. I'll check that the next time I play.
  4. Hmm... I think I looked in handbook for suevite and only found rocks and stone, but not polished option. It seems I didn't investigate enough. Will look closer next time I play.
  5. I think the title says it all. Quarrying suevite currently results in raw suevite rock which cannot be polished like other quarried rock. Given the scarcity of suevite I think it would be at least cool and maybe a flex to use polished suevite in my builds.
  6. Next chance I get, but it'll be a few days, probably this weekend. So that this not so techie old fart is prepped. How do I check the log?
  7. Seems that 1.15.5 broke carry capacity. Both hands are empty and containers just open/close repeatedly when I try to pick them up.
  8. One can also hold left click and drag in the crafting grid to distribute just one item per box in the crafting grid.
  9. Pounding iron into plates before crafting chain helps reduce the grind some.
  10. Welcome to VS! Yes, nights are dark without light. First day tasks are stones (flint or obsidian), sticks and 64 reeds (40 for creating your 1st tier inventory & 24 for a storage basket). Sticks and stones for tools (knife and axe) so that you can gather reeds and some firewood for your first night. A shovel is advisable if monsters do not have delayed spawning. The handbook (press 'H') has a lot of info in it, such as crafting "recipes". If you hover over an item in your inventory (and I believe target a block in the world) and press H the handbook will bring up info about that item or block, including items that can be crafted from it.
  11. Interesting. I thought those aspects would be part of a normal winter. I was afeared that harsh winters would be more like colder temps, last longer, etc. Guess I'll enable harsh winter in my next playthrough.
  12. Also setting a huge respawn range can seriously discourage dying, especially if keep inventory is disabled.
  13. Tangential question about winters, specifically the option regarding harsh winters in world setup options. What makes a harsh winter, well... harsh?
  14. If you haven't already discovered the lore in the game, gather bony soil from ruins and begin panning it for books and scrolls. Disclaimer: may require significant travel to gain sufficient supply. Out of 9 blocks of bony soil I've found one book so far.
  15. The roadmap indicates that there's a story that is to be told. I hope that story is how the previous civilization shattered the world.
  16. Sounds like you have a case of "The Monster Spawning Blues".
  17. I encourage you to experiment. I thought it might be possible to add a door as an easy option to enter the pit. Sadly, no. Doors on your charcoal pit only lead to less firewood.
  18. That would make sense. I haven't tried seeing if boards can burn in world (apart from firepits). On a tangential note - I would LOVE to put a door and trap door on my charcoal pit so I don't have to constant unearth the pit to fill/empty or light the pit. Not realistic I know, but it's more a QOL thing.
  19. Maybe build a fence or wall around the pit kilns to prevent their deaths? As for realism? Yeah, not very realistic, but then again; wild animals don't usually let you get close enough to chuck a rock at them either.
  20. Are the drifters not zombie enough? There's already some mods that modify drifters that could fit what you are thinking of.
  21. Plus providing natural beauty increases the horror of a shattered world. Read classic gothic horror (Frankenstein, Dracula) by the original authors and you'll see how they contrasted beauty against the monster to indirectly make the monster ugly.
  22. What about NPCs that provide a hook? Something like a trader mentions, "A man that sold me some of my wares mentioned he saw some ruins in the mountains north of here." Whether you go or not, doesn't impact ANYTHING thereafter. Show up and there might be a looted ruin, might be some nasties and treasures or something in between.
  23. Maybe change the loot tables for drifters that spawn during a storm to increase drop rate of rare items, or (preferably) introduce items that aren't on the regular drop table (metal nuggets perhaps?)
  24. Roadmap says that steam is end game tech and procedurally generated dungeons are in the plan. Just don't know when that'll happen. Lost of work for 1.5 coders to do.
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