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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. It would be nice if a rocker box would sift an entire block at a time. Maybe it takes the same amount of time as panning half a block (four layers?) but provides the results as if the entire block had been panned.
  2. Consider that there's basically 1.5 people coding. I'm sure they aren't sure how most of the roadmap will function yet.
  3. Might I suggest Satisfactory or Factorio?
  4. Have you seen the maximum capacity of a single crucible? Consider that you can then have multiple crucibles heating simultaneously. Hope you have lots (and I mean LOTS) of molds ready.
  5. Maelstrom


    Or find a plain that is littered with tall grass. Dropped my permanent home in the middle of a massive field of tall grass. Literally every single block in a hundred block radius has tall grass unless there's a tree, water, or reed on it. I wonder how long my iron scythe will take to break harvesting only grass and how much grass will I have on my hands when it does.
  6. Welp... Just waiting for the next tier of tools that require steel (steampower anyone?) Although it would be nice if there was an intermediary step for steel that wasn't so onerous, like extend the burn time of charcoal, bricks don't break. Once steel becomes the next gatekeeper return to the current parameters.
  7. Thanks. I haven't encountered my first locusts yet, let alone engage them in battle. Seems like the items should be harvest from their bodies rather than drop upon their violent disassembly (aka death).
  8. I was bummed when I could not rescue a poor butterfly from a pond it had landed in. All it could do was fly on the surface of the pond. Absolutely LOVED that touch in the game. Still bummed a digital flutterby drowned though.
  9. Consider that there's lore content in bony soil, which makes panning mid to late game worthwhile.
  10. I would think the hard part would be in developing a robust goal system for the various critters oversimplified to food acquisition and seeking safety (flee from predators, including player, and finding its home). So what would the positive "food" be for drifters (safety is obviously low light level). Next level of complexity would be creating migration patterns for prey animals. Predators would then automatically pathfind to follow the migrating prey and dubiously need any additional coding. Migration could then be used to naturally re-introduce animals to areas where populations of animals are reduced due to hunting.
  11. I wonder how hard it would be to incorporate code like "Baritone" (bot that runs in the MC client rather than a mod to the game, as I understand Baritone) which automates pathfinding. Something like Baritone could really expand the AI behavior to potentially accomplish what you describe.
  12. I had the same issue in my dirt hut that was 2 blocks high. I found the difficulty was that I didn't have a viable exit from the bed that was a complete two blocks in height due to placing things on the ground next to the bed (clay molds, peat, etc.)
  13. Would be nice if we could harvest something from them.
  14. Maybe, but the spawning mechanics are tied to naturally occurring logs. Don't see how game would spawn something so far from the closest naturally spawned log. Have you planted any trees in your base that have grown?
  15. Hmmm... By the time late game comes around I'm not using clay for much except making cobblestone. I suppose this would benefit mass production of shingles.
  16. Couple of thoughts... 1. What else is there to do at night when there's no chores to do, such as cooking food, molding/firing clayware, etc? 2. there's a mod (don't know if it's up to date) that adds a sluice box.
  17. Welcome to VS! Did you fight through the poor start or bailed on it and re-rolled a new world?
  18. Meadow larks MUST be added to the game!
  19. And keep doors to a minimum (preferably one).
  20. It would make those low copper starts a little easier.
  21. Hrmmm... Not sure more realism is needed on this one, UNLESS chopping down all trees results in a uniform time to chop (which should be shorter since you're chopping logs instead of the tree).
  22. No blood no foul. I may have injected inflection that was not your intention (sorry for the alliteration).
  23. Consider that there's 1.5 coders making all this happen. There's not exactly a modest team of developers like mc has.
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